id: 2r7wh7

Support my ideas

Support my ideas

Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 250 816 zrzutek i zebrali 1 415 642 957 zł

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Opis zrzutki

If you are here it means that you care about me and my ideas.

Choose the amount in polish currency (1 dollar =4,70 pln

This page is save, legal and you don't need to subscribe to pay.

Let me help you a bit for prices for example 35$ = 165 pln 45$ = 213 pln 55$ = 260 pln 100$=475pln

It's been a years I run my artistic life. If you are here it means that you are my loyal fan and thank you for that.

As you know videos, photos and all I do for you is a very expenisive hobby. Thanks to your donation I am able to pay photographers, trips, hotels, clothes for photoshooting, studio time and expensive proffetional programs. 

Please notice that "donation" means nothing in return but my smile and your happines wathcing my new projects.

Thank you for your support and your kindness!


Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

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