id: 32arhw

Promowanie prawdy historycznej Polski - amerykański historyk Edward Reid

Promowanie prawdy historycznej Polski - amerykański historyk Edward Reid

Opis zrzutki

Zbieramy pieniądze na działalność amerykańskiego historyka który bardzo aktywnie broni prawdy o historii Polski w Internecie/social mediach. Jesteśmy świadkami przekłamywania historii Polski na światowej arenie, walczmy z tym!

Tutaj jeden z wywiadów z Ewdardem gdzie prosi o wsparcie:

Pieniądze zostaną wykorzystane na działalność stron internetowych, tworzenie nowych video blogów oraz inne związane z promowaniem i bronieniem prawdy historycznej o Polsce.

English below:

So I share about funding because this is the only way I can do this.

No institution or organization pays me, but they do support my work. This is all self-funded. This work is entirely free and always has been for many years out of pocket.

This is done because I believe in the heroism of Poland and the Polish people and want to maintain their factual history.

I put a lot of research and effort into this and quite a bit of time, and it takes a toll on me.

Financial assistance helps with many things, especially professional videos filmed in studios (reached over 5 million), researching, and maintaining a website.

The funding also enables me to dedicate myself more to extensive research and writing to post my articles.

Here are some of the past issues that I have addressed and brought to light, especially for Westerners:


Polish aid in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

The Ulma Family

The Polish helping Jewish Victims

Historical Revisionism at the expense of the Polish

Witold Pilecki

Act. S. 447

Maximillian Kolbe

Poles as the First Victims of Auschwitz

The Soviet Invasion in the East.

I have a website with articles here - - you can donate directly through the website if you would like.

Or several other easy ways

I have a Gofundme, a Patreon, a Polish fundraiser, or a PayPal you can contact me about.

The Patreon is great; it's a monthly subscription for as little as five dollars (a cup of coffee), or more if you can contribute.

Or my Gofundme -

Everything helps!

Thank you,


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