Noble Box organized by BNP Paribas CIB Kraków
Noble Box organized by BNP Paribas CIB Kraków
Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 251 362 zrzutki i zebrali 1 417 137 399 zł
A ty na co dziś zbierasz?
Opis zrzutki
As BNP Paribas Office in Kraków we are going to prepare Noble Box for upcoming Christmas 2023.
This is a short description about person in need for whom we are going to prepare a gift:
Elżbieta has experienced very difficult moments in her life. Practically her entire adult life, she lived with a husband who was addicted, leading to numerous arguments and physical altercations. She also fell into addiction herself. After his death, she stopped drinking, but she suffered paralysis and can barely walk now. Every day, she blames herself for the situation and sees no better future for herself. A modest pension and the inability to find employment often leave her with nothing to eat. She is very modest and sensitive but tries to be strong. Assistance from others could help her regain faith in herself, ultimately improving her situation over time. Elżbieta is grateful that she managed to overcome addiction over 26 years ago and has never relapsed.
Link to the full story and needs (in Polish)

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