id: 3mhbtg

Pomóż Perunowi znowu władać piorunami - walka z FIP / Help Perun rule lightnings again ! - We are fighting with FIP

Pomóż Perunowi znowu władać piorunami - walka z FIP / Help Perun rule lightnings again ! - We are fighting with FIP

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  • Wygląda na to, że się udało! Wiosenne burze Perun zaplanował jak co roku - nie są zagrożone.

    Wyniki badań idealne, apetyt ponadprzeciętny, samopoczucie też dobre (na tyle by ganiać po mieszkaniu za Luną). Na ten moment po FIPie nie ma śladu. Paradoksalnie to właśnie FIP okazał się najprostszy do wylecznia. Największym problemem był krwiak w opłucnej powstały prawdopodobnie podczas punkcji i ściągania płynu z klatki piersiowej. Mamy nadzieję, że z czasem się wchłonie i żadna operacja nie będzie potrzebna. Widząc jak szybko poprawiło się jego samopoczucie i zniknęły duszności po odstawieniu leków, jesteśmy pewni, że będzie dobrze.

    Chcielibyśmy raz jeszcze serdecznie podziękować wszystkim, którzy nas wsparli. Bez Waszej pomocy nie dalibyśmy rady, bo był to na prawdę ciężki czas. Ilości komplikacji po drodze nie wymyślilibyśmy w najczarniejszych snach. Ale to już za nami.

    Specjalne, podziękowania należą się weterynarzom z krakowskiej Arki, a w szczególności Pani Joannie Klusce, która pomagała nam na wszelkie możliwe sposoby.x80c4a36da735e2a.jpeg

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/For english see below

Czasem zdarza się, że nawet potężny władca piorunów potrzebuje czyjejś pomocy.

Perun wprosił się do nas głośnym miauczeniem, dokładnie w momencie gdy akurat rozmawialiśmy o chęci przygarnięcia kota. Kot czarny jak noc pojawił się pod naszym oknem w środku ciemnej letniej nocy. Z takimi siłami się nie dyskutuje.

Niestety teraz to do jego życia wprosił się niezapowiedziany gość - śmiertelny koci wirus FIP, czyli zakaźne zapalenie otrzewnej kotów. Choroba o szybkim i tragicznym przebiegu.

Zaniepokoiła nas jego coraz większa apatia, a w końcu szybka utrata wagi. Kot zaczął znikać w oczach. Seria wizyt u weterynarzy, morfologia i USG. Choroba postępuje bardzo szybko, w ciągu kilku dni pojawiły się problemy z oddychaniem, a USG wykazało, że ogromna cześć jamy płucnej była zalana uniemożliwiając Perunowi oddychanie. Gdyby nie natychmiastowa interwencja weterynarza, przekłucie klatki piersiowej i upuszczenie płynu, pewnie nie byłoby go teraz z nami.

Pobrany płyn wysłaliśmy dla potwierdzenia do badań, ale diagnoza-wyrok trzech weterynarzy była jednoznaczna - to FIP, a na niego nie ma w Polsce lekarstwa.

Co najważniejsze chorobę tę można jednak skutecznie wyleczyć. Istnieją leki i choć wciąż jeszcze eksperymentalne to działają z dużą skutecznością i wyleczyły już tysiące kotów w Polsce i na świecie.

Problemem jest niestety ich cena. Pełna kuracja to koszt minimum 10000 zł!

Nie możemy pogodzić się z tym żeby czekać i patrzeć jak Pierduna Mremruna zabija zupełnie uleczalna choroba. Dlatego zwracamy się z wielką prośbą o pomoc w zbiórce środków na leki.

Perun nie lubi chorować i mieć golonego brzucha. Perdun uwielbia:

·        władać piorunami,

·        spać,

·        zwiedzać kartony,

·        rozmawiać z człowiekami,

·        leżeć na balkonie,

·        polować na szerszenie,

·        lasery,

·        pomagać w pracach biurowych,

·        nosić skarpetki na uszach,

·        podziwiać prostość kątów.

Pomóżmy Perunowi znowu władać piorunami !


Perun wangled he's way in to our life with a loud meowing, exactly while we were talking about our readiness to take a cat. A cat black as a night appeared under our window in the middle of dark summer night. You don't question such kinds of powers.

Unfortunately now an unexpected guest wangled he's way in to his life too - deadly feline virus FIP, a feline infectious peritonitis. It is a fast disease with a tragic ending.

We were alarmed by his growing apathy and quick loose of weight. Our cat started to disappear right in front of our eyes. A series of vet appointments, number of examinations, USG etc. Disease develops instantly, so after couple of days problems with breathing came in. Pleural effusion was so high that a risky immediate puncture was a required. Without quick doctors intervention he would not be with us right now. A diagnose-sentence was unambiguous - it is a FIP and there is no officially confirmed cure for it. They said that we can either end his suffering or buy him his favorite food and grant him with few more good days on painkillers. They mentioned that there is an experimental treatment but it is really expensive and not always successful.

We didn't want to give up on him, no matter the costs.

Today it is a 30th day of treatment day of treatment. There were ups and downs - an immediate improvement after first doses and proximity of failure right after Christmas when we was not able to walk or eat due to an infection in lugs after the puncture. It is much better now, still a bit weak and tired of injections and pills, but he has an appetite and is putting on weight. I think that is a day or two he will start fighting with her friend Luna again. As vet said his results are much, much better and improvement is fast, so she is optimistic.

However as doctors said in the beginning, cost of full 84-days treatment is a huge as we need to buy GS medicine abroad. Our polish salaries are not able to cover those costs. Before Christmas we managed to gather 75% of money for the cheapest drug. Unfortunately the dose was doubled by vet and cheap medicine is not always available. Moreover we have already spent more than half of gathered money on vets, examinations and a week-long visit in clinics after the recent lung infection.

Right now we are almost out of money and there is still 2 months of treatment ahead of us. Last week was hard for us, we are depressed and afraid that all our efforts will be pointless, if we don't find money for GS medicine...

We still hope that with a little help of good people a happy end is possible.

A few words about Perun. He doesn't like to be ill, have injections and his belly shaved. He loves to:

- wield lightnings

- sleep

- explore cardboard boxes

- talk to humans

- lay on a balcony

- hunt hornets

- hunt laser-dots

- help in office tasks

- wear socks on his head

- eat olives

- admire straightness of walls

English below:

Perun wangled he's way in to our life with a loud meowing, exactly while we were talking about our readiness to take a cat. A cat black as a night appeared under our window in the middle of dark summer night. You don't question such kinds of powers.

Unfortunately now an unexpected guest wangled he's way in to his life too - deadly feline virus FIP, a feline infectious peritonitis. It is a fast disease with a tragic ending.

We were alarmed by his growing apathy and quick loose of weight. Our cat started to disappear right in front of our eyes. A series of vet appointments, number of examinations, USG etc. Disease develops instantly, so after couple of days problems with breathing came in. Pleural effusion was so high that a risky immediate puncture was a required. Without quick doctors intervention he would not be with us right now. A diagnose-sentence was unambiguous - it is a FIP and there is no officially confirmed cure for it. They said that we can either end his suffering or buy him his favorite food and grant him with few more good days on painkillers. They mentioned that there is an experimental treatment but it is really expensive and not always successful.

We didn't want to give up on him, no matter the costs.

Today it is a 30th day of treatment day of treatment. There were ups and downs - an immediate improvement after first doses and proximity of failure right after Christmas when we was not able to walk or eat due to an infection in lugs after the puncture. It is much better now, still a bit weak and tired of injections and pills, but he has an appetite and is putting on weight. I think that is a day or two he will start fighting with her friend Luna again. As vet said his results are much, much better and improvement is fast, so she is optimistic.

However as doctors said in the beginning, cost of full 84-days treatment is a huge as we need to buy GS medicine abroad. Our polish salaries are not able to cover those costs. Before Christmas we managed to gather 75% of money for the cheapest drug. Unfortunately the dose was doubled by vet and cheap medicine is not always available. Moreover we have already spent more than half of gathered money on vets, examinations and a week-long visit in clinics after the recent lung infection.

Right now we are almost out of money and there is still 2 months of treatment ahead of us. Last week was hard for us, we are depressed and afraid that all our efforts will be pointless, if we don't find money for GS medicine...

We still hope that with a little help of good people a happy end is possible.

A few words about Perun. He doesn't like to be ill, have injections and his belly shaved. He loves to:

- wield lightnings

- sleep

- explore cardboard boxes

- talk to humans

- lay on a balcony

- hunt hornets

- hunt laser-dots

- help in office tasks

- wear socks on his head

- eat olives

- admire straightness of walls

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