id: 3sfejb

Melanż - Surgery and Treatment / Melanż - Surgery and Treatment

Melanż - Surgery and Treatment / Melanż - Surgery and Treatment

Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 201 772 zrzutki i zebrali 1 275 054 684 zł

A ty na co dziś zbierasz?

Opis zrzutki

As many of you know the past few weeks have been quite tough for us. From being forced to move out of our old flat, my bag being stolen with keys to new flat inside, locksmith, Melanż slicing his paw while locksmith was cutting door, to eventually him being diagnosed with cancer after finding 2 tumors on him.

We're already after surgery now and everything went well. All known tumors have been removed so now we wait for histopath results to come in 10 days (30/06). Those results will give us more details about the cancer and possible future treatments. Until then he has to go to the vet once every 2 days for injections/stitch checks which cost us around 200zl each time. So far we're looking at around 3,500zl spent with the cost of the surgery being 2,000zl. With everything adding up I'm financially exhausted and looking for any kind of help to alleviate the weight. No amount is too small, everything helps, we'll both be forever grateful for whatever you can do even if it's just supporting us by sharing.

Thank you,

-Seán & Melanż 🖤

English below:

As many of you know the past few weeks have been quite tough for us. From being forced to move out of our old flat, my bag being stolen with keys to new flat inside, locksmith, Melanż slicing his paw while locksmith was cutting door, to eventually him being diagnosed with cancer after finding 2 tumors on him.

We're already after surgery now and everything went well. All known tumors have been removed so now we wait for histopath results to come in 10 days (30/06). Those results will give us more details about the cancer and possible future treatments. Until then he has to go to the vet once every 2 days for injections/stitch checks which cost us around 200zl each time. So far we're looking at around 3,500zl spent with the cost of the surgery being 2,000zl. With everything adding up I'm financially exhausted and looking for any kind of help to alleviate the weight. No amount is too small, everything helps, we'll both be forever grateful for whatever you can do even if it's just supporting us by sharing.

Thank you,

-Seán & Melanż 🖤

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Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.


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Pierwsza na świecie Karta Wpłatnicza. Przyjmuj wpłaty gdziekolwiek jesteś.
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Wpłaty 69

20 zł
Dane ukryte
20 zł
200 zł
10 zł
Dane ukryte
100 zł
Dane ukryte
20 zł
20 zł
100 zł
50 zł
Dane ukryte
100 zł
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2500 znaków
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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