id: 4jgfdn

Free political prisoners in Karakalpakstan / Free political prisoners in Karakalpakstan

Free political prisoners in Karakalpakstan / Free political prisoners in Karakalpakstan

Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 151 470 zrzutek i zebrali 1 196 492 397 zł

A ty na co dziś zbierasz?

Opis zrzutki


In early July 2022, Karakalpakstan witnessed its largest peaceful protests in over 30 years. Thousands of young Karakalpaks, together with their families, protested to defend their constitutional rights and oppose amendments to the Uzbek constitution that would strip Karakalpakstan of its sovereignty. 

Under pressure from the protesters, the Uzbek authorities abandoned the referendum for the time being. At the same time, Uzbek security services and military forces began an unprecedented mass repression targeting journalists, human rights defenders and peaceful protesters, civilians in Karakalpakstan/ tourists who found themselves on the streets during the protests. 

Uzbekistan's authorities shut down the internet and mobile communications and began to prosecute those who documented and published on social media photos and videos showing the use of weapons by the military against peaceful protesters, violence against women, mass arrests, shootings and torture. 

On 7 July 2022, the General Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan reported that human rights defender Dauletmurat Tajimuratov and journalist Lolagul Kallykhanova were arrested on fabricated charges and remain in total isolation. According to various reports, they have been subjected to torture, punitive psychiatry and for this reason relatives and lawyers are denied access to them. A number of relatives, friends of the human rights defender Tajimuratov and Kallykhanova, even those who simply stood with them in the pictures and videos posted on social networks have been arrested and, in fact, taken hostage. 

International human rights organisations condemned Uzbekistan's repression and blockage of Karakalpakstan's communications/internet. The EU and US governments have called for a transparent investigation, but Uzbekistan has shown no desire for objectivity and has refused an international investigation.

As of 3 August 2022 the Open Dialogue Foundation, together with human rights volunteers, has identified/listed at least 91 missing persons, 20 killed by shooting and torture, and 388 people arbitrarily detained during the Karakalpakstan protests. At the same time, the Uzbek authorities do not publish the lists of those arrested and killed. They do not give explanations about the missing persons. Thanks to the published lists and the international pressure, 59 of the recognised peaceful protesters have been released from custody on non-custodial restrictions. 

Help us free all peaceful protesters in Karakalpakstan by contributing as much as you can!



В начале июля 2022 г в Каракалпакстане прошли самые массовые мирные протесты за последние 30 лет. Тысячи молодых каракалпаков, вместе с детьми вышли на протест, чтобы защитить свои конституционные права и выступить против поправок в конституции Узбекистана, лишающих Каракалпакстан суверенитета. 

Под давлением участников протестов власти Узбекистана отказались на какое-то время от проведения референдума. Одновременно Узбекские спецслужбы и войска начали беспрецедентные массовые репрессии в отношении журналистов, правозащитников и мирных участников протестов, мирных жителей Каракалпакстана/туристов, оказавшихся на улицах в дни протестов. 

Власти Узбекистана отключили интернет, мобильную связь и стали преследовать тех, кто зафиксировал и опубликовал в соцсетях фото и видео, подтверждающие использование военными оружия против мирных протестующих, насилие против женщин, массовые аресты, расстрелы и пытки.  

7 июля 2022 стало известно от Генеральной прокуратуры Узбекистана, что правозащитник Даулетмурат Тажимуратов и журналистка Лалагул Каллыханова арестованы по сфабрикованным обвинениям и находятся в полной изоляции. По разным сообщениям, их подвергли пыткам, карательной психиатрии и по этой причине не допускают родственников и адвокатов. Были арестованы и по факту взяты в заложники близкие, друзья, родственники правозащитника Тажимуратов и Каллыхановой, даже те, кто просто стояли с ними рядом на фотографиях и видео, опубликованных в соцсетях. 

Международные правозащитные организации подвергли критике репрессии Узбекистана и блокировку от связи/интернета Каракалпакстана. Правительства ЕС и США призвали провести прозрачное расследование, однако Узбекистан не предъявил ни малейшего желания на объективность и отказал в международном расследовании.  

По состоянию на 3 августа 2022 г Фонд Открытый Диалог вместе с волонтерами правозащитниками идентифицировал/составил списки по крайней мере 91 пропавших без вести, 20 погибших в результате расстрелов и пыток, 388 незаконно арестованных в дни протестов в Каракалпакстане. В тоже время власти Узбекистана не публикуют списки арестованных и погибших. Не дают пояснений по пропавшим без вести. Благодаря опубликованным спискам и международному давлению 59 распознанных участников мирных протестов была освобождена из-под ареста на ограничения, не связанные с лишением свободы. 

Помоги нам освободить всех участников мирных протестов Каракалпакстана, сделай свой посильный вклад!

English below:

In early July 2022, Karakalpakstan witnessed its largest peaceful protests in over 30 years. Thousands of young Karakalpaks, together with their families, protested to defend their constitutional rights and oppose amendments to the Uzbek constitution that would strip Karakalpakstan of its sovereignty. 

Under pressure from the protesters, the Uzbek authorities abandoned the referendum for the time being. At the same time, Uzbek security services and military forces began an unprecedented mass repression targeting journalists, human rights defenders and peaceful protesters, civilians in Karakalpakstan/ tourists who found themselves on the streets during the protests. 

Uzbekistan's authorities shut down the internet and mobile communications and began to prosecute those who documented and published on social media photos and videos showing the use of weapons by the military against peaceful protesters, violence against women, mass arrests, shootings and torture. 

On 7 July 2022, the General Prosecutor's Office of Uzbekistan reported that human rights defender Dauletmurat Tajimuratov and journalist Lolagul Kallykhanova were arrested on fabricated charges and remain in total isolation. According to various reports, they have been subjected to torture, punitive psychiatry and for this reason relatives and lawyers are denied access to them. A number of relatives, friends of the human rights defender Tajimuratov and Kallykhanova, even those who simply stood with them in the pictures and videos posted on social networks have been arrested and, in fact, taken hostage. 

International human rights organisations condemned Uzbekistan's repression and blockage of Karakalpakstan's communications/internet. The EU and US governments have called for a transparent investigation, but Uzbekistan has shown no desire for objectivity and has refused an international investigation.

As of 3 August 2022 the Open Dialogue Foundation, together with human rights volunteers, has identified/listed at least 91 missing persons, 20 killed by shooting and torture, and 388 people arbitrarily detained during the Karakalpakstan protests. At the same time, the Uzbek authorities do not publish the lists of those arrested and killed. They do not give explanations about the missing persons. Thanks to the published lists and the international pressure, 59 of the recognised peaceful protesters have been released from custody on non-custodial restrictions. 

Help us free all peaceful protesters in Karakalpakstan by contributing as much as you can!

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Pierwsza na świecie karta do przyjmowania wpłat. Karta Wpłatnicza.
Pierwsza na świecie karta do przyjmowania wpłat. Karta Wpłatnicza.
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