Trading community Helping Ukraine
Trading community Helping Ukraine
Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 251 467 zrzutek i zebrali 1 417 337 995 zł
A ty na co dziś zbierasz?
We doubled up on thermal underwear. More food donated locally. Newest batch already sent to Ukraine.
Thank you so much!!!
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To zwiększy wiarygodność Twojej zrzutki i zaangażowanie darczyńców.
Opis zrzutki
Guys. We need all the help we can get.
I am a Kyiv refugfee, Polish national. Safe and sound. The only thing i need now is to help others.
The trading community has been my home and support for over 15 years now. I know that in those crazy times we can come together and help.
With your funding we will buy:
- food, clothes, medicine
- we will buy gas and pay for any transport needed
- direct help to Ukraine civil workers on site: camouflage, boots, warm clothes, communication
I will document and keep proof of every purchase. Your money will reach DIRECTLY to people i help myslef or that are helped by my friends.
Please contact me for any ideas or questions you might have. Thank you!
English below:
Guys. We need all the help we can get.
I am a Kyiv refugfee, Polish national. Safe and sound. The only thing i need now is to help others.
The trading community has been my home and support for over 15 years now. I know that in those crazy times we can come together and help.
With your funding we will buy:
- food, clothes, medicine
- we will buy gas and pay for any transport needed
- direct help to Ukraine civil workers on site: camouflage, boots, warm clothes, communication
I will document and keep proof of every purchase. Your money will reach DIRECTLY to people i help myslef or that are helped by my friends.
Please contact me for any ideas or questions you might have. Thank you!

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.
Stwórz swój własny link do promocji zrzutki i sprawdzaj ile osób odwiedziło i wsparło tę zrzutkę z twojego polecenia! Dowiedz się więcej.
Stwórz swój własny link do promocji zrzutki i sprawdzaj ile osób odwiedziło i wsparło tę zrzutkę z twojego polecenia! Dowiedz się więcej.
Just sold an old printer and giving the proceeds + 150% top up. Keep up the good work !
Fuck Putin the cunt