na narzędzie pracy
na narzędzie pracy
Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 250 816 zrzutek i zebrali 1 415 642 737 zł
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Opis zrzutki
Dear Fellow Traders,
I am addressing you directly as I have some doubts about whether anyone outside this community would comprehend the situation I have been dealing with. Last September, I started trading evaluation accounts at a proprietary trading company. It took me longer than expected to pass; I finally did so in late January, but unfortunately failed in February. After over a month of struggle, I managed to pass again. However, due to my personal situation and the daily struggle for survival, my performance was affected, and I failed once more.
Yes, I have been without any other work for quite some time and have depleted all my savings. I find myself in the most ridiculous situation: I am on the verge of passing my third evaluation, having actively traded for 10 days so far. However, I cannot proceed unless I have $85 for the first month of a funded account. Can you imagine it? A year ago, I couldn't. This is why I have set up this collection—to be able to continue this work. Furthermore, I pledge to help two people in the future if I encounter someone in a similar mess.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Best regards,

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