id: 5u63gr

Podaruj dzieciom u艣miech - 艢wi臋ta 2023

Podaruj dzieciom u艣miech - 艢wi臋ta 2023

Nasi u偶ytkownicy za艂o偶yli 1 242 747 zrzutek i zebrali 1 393 036 822 z艂

A ty na co dzi艣 zbierasz?
Za艂贸偶 zrzutk臋


  • Hello there, our English speaking Friends!

    We hope this message finds you well and in the spirit of giving this holiday season. I wanted to reach out and share an incredible initiative that is close to my heart.

    We are currently organizing a Christmas concert featuring talented participants from our Migrants' Club, predominantly comprised of children and youth who have found refuge in our town after the onset of the war in Ukraine. These young individuals have faced unimaginable challenges, and through the power of music, dance, creativity and community, they are coming together to create a heartwarming celebration of hope and resilience.

    To make this event truly special, we are reaching out to our friends near and far for support. Your generosity can help us create an unforgettable experience for these young performers and their families, providing a moment of joy and connection during a challenging time.

    If you are able to contribute, no matter the amount, your donation will go directly towards covering the costs of the concert venue, musical instruments and equipment, and other essential elements that will make this event a success. And presents! We want every participant to receive a gift from Santa Claus.

    The event is close - December 15th!!!

    Every little bit makes a significant difference and brings us one step closer to our goal.

    To donate, please visit , where you can securely contribute to this meaningful cause.

    Thank you for considering supporting our Christmas concert. Your kindness will not only make this holiday season brighter for our community but also send a powerful message of compassion and solidarity.

    Wishing you a joyous holiday season filled with warmth and the spirit of giving.

    2500 znak贸w

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Dodawaj aktualno艣ci i informuj wspieraj膮cych o post臋pach akcji.
To zwi臋kszy wiarygodno艣膰 Twojej zrzutki i zaanga偶owanie darczy艅c贸w.

Opis zrzutki


Drodzy Przyjaciele,

Zbli偶aj膮 si臋 magiczne 艣wi臋ta, a my chcieliby艣my uczyni膰 je niezapomnianymi dla dzieci z Klubu Migranta Kalejdoskop Talent贸w!! Organizujemy 艢wi臋to z Miko艂ajem i prezentami, podczas kt贸rego ka偶de dziecko dostanie nie tylko prezent, ale przede wszystkim u艣miech na twarzy.

Dzieci i m艂odzie偶 szykuj膮 wyst臋py dla 艢wi臋tego Miko艂aja, a my szukamy jak zrobi膰 to spotkanie wyj膮tkowym!

I bardzo potrzebujemy Waszej pomocy! Nasza zrzutka jest aktywna i mo偶ecie na niej podzieli膰 si臋 dobrem!

Wasza pomoc sprawi, 偶e ka偶de dziecko z Klubu Migranta poczuje magi臋 艣wi膮t! Ka偶dy gest ma znaczenie, a wsp贸lnie mo偶emy uczyni膰 te 艣wi臋ta niezapomnianymi dla dzieci i m艂odzie偶y!

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.


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Pobierz aplikacj臋 mobiln膮 i zbieraj na sw贸j cel gdziekolwiek jeste艣!


2500 znak贸w
Zrzutka - Brak zdj臋膰

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