Noble Box [Szlachetna Paczka] - Pega
Noble Box [Szlachetna Paczka] - Pega
Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 222 587 zrzutek i zebrali 1 338 871 513 zł
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Opis zrzutki
As every year, Pega is again participating in the Noble Gift (Szlachetna Paczka) initiative. This year, we will help another family in need: Mrs Anna and her children found themselves in a difficult life situation. However, they don't give up and every day fight for a better tomorrow for the whole family. Let's help them a little! :)
English below:
As every year, Pega is again participating in the Noble Gift (Szlachetna Paczka) initiative. This year, we will help another family in need: Mrs Anna and her children found themselves in a difficult life situation. However, they don't give up and every day fight for a better tomorrow for the whole family. Let's help them a little! :)
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