The climate edition of Green News presents climate activism in Poland and Polish dependence on energy from coal. Articles by Polish authors, have been translated into English.
Green News [PL: Zielone Wiadomości] is a non-profit publication of the Polish Green Party, each edition presenting a topic of high environmental concern.
You can pick up your copy of Green News at the march, from the organisers, or provide your address and we will send it by post.
30 zł
Kupione 47 z 300
Aktualnie na zrzutce nie ma innych ofert/licytacji.
Green News - Exclusive edition on climate change
20 zł
Kupione 9 z 1000
The climate edition of Green News presents climate activism in Poland and Polish dependence on energy from coal. Articles by Polish authors, have been translated into English.
Green News [PL: Zielone Wiadomości] is a non-profit publication of the Polish Green Party, each edition presenting a topic of high environmental concern.
You can pick up your copy of Green News at the march, from the organisers, or provide your address and we will send it by post.
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30 zł
Kupione 47 z 300
Aktualnie na zrzutce nie ma innych ofert/licytacji.