id: 777p29

Uśmiech ukraińskich dzieci -Smile for Ukraine

Uśmiech ukraińskich dzieci -Smile for Ukraine

Opis zrzutki

My name is Paulina. I am an owner of a toy store in Warsaw. Together with my friends, we have decided to support children from Ukraine escaping their country from the war. Their lives from day to day have become full of fear and anxiety. What we want is for the children from Ukraine to be able to breathe and at least for a moment to stop thinking about what is happening in their homeland.

We are helping by collecting good quality used toys, buying new ones, and organizing playgrounds at help points for refugees from Ukraine. Our help is mainly directed to places where free classes for children are conducted, psychological help is provided to them or where the smallest may simply play. Help is also directed to specific families in the most difficult situation. With our help, we would like to give them some normality, a smile on their faces and the possibility of having a childhood we wish our own children could have.

Mam na imię Paulina. Na co dzień prowadzę w Warszawie sklep z zabawkami. Wraz ze znajomymi postanowiliśmy pomagać dzieciom z Ukrainy, które uciekły przed wojną ze swojego kraju i ich życie z dnia na dzień stało się pełne strachu i niepokoju. Chcemy, aby dzieci z Ukrainy mogły odetchnąć i nie myśleć, co dzieje się w ich ojczyźnie.

Pomagamy poprzez zbiórkę używanych zabawek, zakup nowych, organizację miejsc zabaw w punktach pomocy uchodźcom z Ukrainy. Naszą pomoc kierujemy głównie do miejsc, gdzie prowadzi się bezpłatne zajęcia dla dzieci, udziela się im pomocy psychologicznej lub gdzie najmniejsi po prostu się bawią. Pomoc skierowana jest również do konkretnych rodzin, które znajdują się w najtrudniejszej sytuacji. Przez naszą pomoc chcielibyśmy dać im trochę normalności, uśmiechu na ich twarzach i możliwości bycia dzieckiem.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

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Komentarze 26

2500 znaków
  • NR
    Nev Rawlins

    Following the link from Yvonne's Instagram account, I bought toys from your store for the Ukrainian refugee children a month ago. I want to add a donation as well.

    Użytkownik anonimowy

    Hello Paulina,
    Like others, I arrived here because I follow Yvonne on Instagram. I usually don't ponder about celebs a lot, just happy that Yvonne is (IMHO) by far the best contemporary actress there is, but her support for those poor children, without making a lot of PR noise and simply supporting your cause makes me think she got her heart in the right place. And your cause seems exactly one of those I like to support because (while I don't understand what you guys are talking at all) I can se

    • Paulina Balcerzak

      That's right, Yvonne is that person without whom we cannot do it what we do. We are gratful that we have such person like you who want to support us and belives that is right way. Thank you very much for being with us and support.

    • Anonymous user

      Keep up the great work, Paulina! Here's one more donation, perhaps we can push it to 70.000. Be sure to let me know if you do another round.

    Użytkownik anonimowy

    Thanks to Paulina and her team for the great job they are doing for the kids from Ukrain. From Australia.

    3 200 zł
  • CR
    Chris Russo

    Thank you for organizing this, I’ve been trying to find a way to directly help these children.

    13 189 zł
  • JS
    Janet Smith

    Thank you for all you are doing to help out families and kids in need. I am based in the US, and I am a school teacher - my heart goes out to you all!!! We love Yvonne from “Chuck”!! ❤️

    70 zł