id: 7he85r

Grand Parade supports Zupa na Plantach

Grand Parade supports Zupa na Plantach

Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 201 400 zrzutek i zebrali 1 274 456 831 zł

A ty na co dziś zbierasz?

Opis zrzutki

Dear Colleagues,

As every year in this magic Christmas time we would like to join forces and share the good with those in need.

Same as last year we will support Zupa na Plantach - they started 5 years ago by meeting and building relationships with homeless and poor people over a common Sunday soup. Now, they run also a heat storage facility, where they collect warm clothes, clean underwear and hygiene products as well as food with long shelf life. They help in accessing medical assistance, which is very limited for uninsured people. In cooperation with the Living Workshop (Żywa Pracownia), they conduct social and professional activation.

Last year they started the project called Soup Flat, where they invited 2 men recoverting from homelessness. Just a few weeks ago they rented 2nd flat and they need our help to furniture it and make it livable place for new residents :) Will you help?

About last year initiative you can read on our Go2 blog and on YT:


Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Pierwsza na świecie karta do przyjmowania wpłat. Karta Wpłatnicza.
Pierwsza na świecie karta do przyjmowania wpłat. Karta Wpłatnicza.
Dowiedz się więcej

Wpłaty 37

Piotr Więcaszek
300 zł
JK / Aukcja
120 zł
150 zł
Allam Alaghbar
750 zł
Dane ukryte
100 zł
Semen Boyko
70 zł
Mikołaj Stańczak
200 zł
Dane ukryte
500 zł
240 zł
50 zł
Zobacz więcej


2500 znaków
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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