id: 9jr8z4

Pomoc w odbudowie spalonego domu / Help in rebuilding a burnt house / Help in rebuilding a burnt house

Pomoc w odbudowie spalonego domu / Help in rebuilding a burnt house / Help in rebuilding a burnt house

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Cześć Kochani!

Dnia 7 maja o 5 nad ranem doszło do pożaru domu naszych rodziców. Pomimo dzielnej i długiej walki pięciu zastępów straży pożarnej, dom w środku spalił się doszczętnie. Największe spustoszenie ogień zrobił najpierw na mieszkaniowym poddaszu, ale po tym jak dach się zawalił, ogromne zniszczenia są też na parterze, gdzie były pomieszczenia użytkowe (kotłownia itp.).

Dzięki Bogu, mama w porę się obudziła i w ostatniej chwili wszyscy uciekli z płonącego domu. Brat doznał oparzeń ręki.

W jednej chwili nasza rodzina została bez dachu nad głową.

Część zniszczeń widać tu:

Rodzice wraz z bratem uratowali jednak to, co najcenniejsze - życie. Ale stracili dorobek CAŁEGO ŻYCIA.

Straty szacowane są na kilkaset tysięcy złotych.

Zostali z tym w czym spali. Straty są ogromne, nie tylko te finansowe, ale też te sentymentalne. Dom niestety nie był ubezpieczony.

Chcemy wesprzeć naszych rodziców w odbudowie ich domku, na który tak ciężko pracowali całe życie. Jeżeli tylko możecie, wesprzyjcie ich w tym najtrudniejszym momencie ich życia. Nawet najmniejsze wsparcie jest teraz na wagę złota. Bardzo proszę o dowolną wpłatę.

Rodzice otrzymali pierwszą pomoc rzeczową (kołdra, pościel, ręczniki, żywność). Teraz priorytetem jest zbiórka, która pomoże im zapewnić dach nad głową.

My, jako najbliższa rodzina, robimy co możemy, ale wierzymy, że z Wami możemy dużo więcej i dużo szybciej.

W imieniu naszym, naszych rodziców i brata - z góry dziękujemy bardzo za każdą pomoc!!!


On May 7, at 5 a.m., our parents' house fired. Despite the brave and long struggle of five fire brigades, the house inside burned to the ground. The most devastating fire was done first in the residential attic, but after the roof collapsed, huge damage is also on the ground floor, where there were utility rooms (boiler room, etc.).

Thank God, my mother woke up in time and at the last moment, everyone ran away from the burning house. My brother suffered hand burns.

In an instant, our family was left homeless.

Some of the damage can be seen here:

However, my parents and my brother saved what is most precious - life. But they lost all their life achievements.

Losses are estimated at several hundred thousand zloty.

They stayed with what they slept in. Losses are huge, not only financial but also sentimental. Unfortunately, the house was not insured.

We want to support our parents in rebuilding their house, for which they have worked so hard all their lives. If you can, support them in this most difficult moment of their lives. Even the smallest support is now at a premium. I am asking for any payment.

Parents received first aid in kind (quilts, bedding, towels, food). Now the priority is the collection, which will help them provide a roof over their heads.

We, as our immediate family, do what we can, but we believe that we can do much more and much faster with you.

On behalf of us, our parents and brother - thank you in advance for any help !!!

English below:


On May 7, at 5 a.m., our parents' house fired. Despite the brave and long struggle of five fire brigades, the house inside burned to the ground. The most devastating fire was done first in the residential attic, but after the roof collapsed, huge damage is also on the ground floor, where there were utility rooms (boiler room, etc.).

Thank God, my mother woke up in time and at the last moment, everyone ran away from the burning house. My brother suffered hand burns.

In an instant, our family was left homeless.

Some of the damage can be seen here:

However, my parents and my brother saved what is most precious - life. But they lost all their life achievements.

Losses are estimated at several hundred thousand zloty.

They stayed with what they slept in. Losses are huge, not only financial but also sentimental. Unfortunately, the house was not insured.

We want to support our parents in rebuilding their house, for which they have worked so hard all their lives. If you can, support them in this most difficult moment of their lives. Even the smallest support is now at a premium. I am asking for any payment.

Parents received first aid in kind (quilts, bedding, towels, food). Now the priority is the collection, which will help them provide a roof over their heads.

We, as our immediate family, do what we can, but we believe that we can do much more and much faster with you.

On behalf of us, our parents and brother - thank you in advance for any help !!!

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