Project Safe Refuge
Project Safe Refuge
Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 251 184 zrzutki i zebrali 1 416 773 415 zł
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Opis zrzutki
Project Safe Refuge
We are a bottom-up initiative, established in March 2022, in the wake of the war in Ukraine. PSR is gathering young architects and designers motivated to provide aid during crisis situations, through a collaborative, multidisciplinary knowledge exchange.
Our main project is a transitional housing unit for Ukrainian refugees returning to rebuild their homes destroyed by war. In the design process of the unit, we are using the results of the participatory workshops and the survey we ran in the summer of last year, to closely meet the needs of its future users.
Transitional Housing Unit pilot module
Our housing unit is a modular shelter that responds to the urgency of providing temporary housing solutions for people whose homes have been destroyed. A standard unit consists of 5 ‘section slices’, which together create the full structure. The modularity of the design allows for it to be expanded to 7 or 10 slices, if additional space is needed. The unit has an open ground floor plan, providing flexibility of function. When housing needs are fulfilled, the module can be turned into a community centre, an office or other typology. It also has a mezzanine level that becomes an extra bedroom or storage, depending on the preference.
To read more about the project, please head to:
Instagram: @projectsaferefuge
In the upcoming months we are planning on constructing a full pilot module of the housing unit to test its structural performance, energy efficiency and comfort on site. This stage of the project is necessary before deploying the unit to Ukraine, to ensure its safety and suitability.
Project Safe Refuge is seeking to raise 6000 euro (ok. 30 000 PLN) to cover the costs of structural materials and finishes, site works, labour, plumbing and electrical features needed to build the complete pilot unit. We’ll be very grateful for any contribution, big or small!
If, for some unlikely circumstances, the build doesn’t go ahead all the raised funds will be donated to a chosen Ukrainian charity.
If you are unable to donate, please share this fundraiser with your network.
Thank you!
Project Safe Refuge team

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