id: aey3aj

Szlachetna Paczka (Noble Gift) for Mrs Grazyna's Family

Szlachetna Paczka (Noble Gift) for Mrs Grazyna's Family

Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 227 803 zrzutki i zebrali 1 352 204 532 zł

A ty na co dziś zbierasz?

Opis zrzutki

Mrs. Grazyna and Mr. Marcin’s apartment was completely flooded, and they lost everything during the flood in September 2024 . All their savings were spent last year on a complete renovation of the apartment. Since they lived in municipal housing, they are not entitled to financial aid for renovations. Mrs. Grazyna has been working in accounting for over twenty years, she is interested in personal development. She strives to stay positive and grateful for what she has, despite her hear problems and having undergone carpal tunnel surgery. Mr. Marcin works in a building materials warehouse and also takes care of his mother, who has cancer. He enjoys DIY projects in his free time. Currently they have been provided with a small, mold-infested replacement apartment by the city. Their life before the flood was much calmer, both had stable jobs, and spent their free time walking their dogs. As they admit, they are now in shambles—coping with Mr. Marcin’s mother’s illness, the flood that took their home, and the constant challenges. If it weren’t for their jobs, they say they might lack the will to carry on.

The main needs of the family:

-vacuum cleaner,

-duvet/bedding ,

-warm clothing

-cleaning supplies,

-microwave ,

-post and pan,

-an iron,

-an ironing board

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.


Pierwsza na świecie karta do przyjmowania wpłat. Karta Wpłatnicza.
Pierwsza na świecie karta do przyjmowania wpłat. Karta Wpłatnicza.
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Jeszcze nikt nie założył skarbonki na tej zrzutce. Twoja może być pierwsza!

Wpłaty 20

100 zł
30 zł
300 zł
Scott Kitteringham
300 zł
Dane ukryte
100 zł
100 zł
Renata Gisko
200 zł
100 zł
Kasia S.
50 zł
Julia Pryszcz
20 zł
Zobacz więcej

Komentarze 1

2500 znaków