Tosia - gift
Tosia - gift
Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 238 674 zrzutki i zebrali 1 383 745 449 zł
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Opis zrzutki
Dear Friends,
few months have passed since the unexpected and tragic death of our friend Tomek. We still haven't come to terms with this loss and we think about him every day. However, there is a little girl - Tosia, who misses him more than any words can tell. We can't bring her beloved Father back to her but let's try to give her a bit better future.
Let's get together and give her something that she can use maybe in a few years. The idea is to buy certified investment gold for whatever amount we manage to collect. If you would like to join, you can do it anonymously or by leaving your name.
Thank you very much for your support on behalf of Tosia and ours <3.
Friends of Tomek P.
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