id: d2ssnt

Fundraising for Premium Moodle Theme

Fundraising for Premium Moodle Theme

Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 166 629 zrzutek i zebrali 1 213 345 228 zł

A ty na co dziś zbierasz?

Opis zrzutki

Hello everyone! I am reaching out to you today to ask for your support in a fundraising campaign for purchasing a premium theme for Moodle.

Here are a few reasons why investing in a premium Moodle theme Space is crucial:

1. A visually appealing and user-friendly interface is more likely to engage students, encouraging active participation and improving their overall learning experience.

2. Space theme allows to tailor the Moodle platform to our specific needs and branding. We can incorporate our institution's logo, color schemes, and visual elements, creating a cohesive and professional online presence that reflects our identity.

3. This theme is frequently updated to align with the latest design trends and technological advancements. By acquiring a premium theme license, we ensure that our Moodle platform remains visually up-to-date, providing students and instructors with a modern and pleasant learning environment.

Additionally, I kindly request that you provide your email address when making your contribution so that I can send you a copy of the this theme once it is purchased. This way, you will also have access to the enhanced features and benefits of the theme for your own Moodle installations.

Thank you for your support and cooperation. Let's make a difference in online education with a premium Moodle theme!

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

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Pierwsza na świecie karta do przyjmowania wpłat. Karta Wpłatnicza.
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Space Moodle Theme
You will also have access to the enhanced features and benefits of the theme for your own Moodle installations.
35 zł


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2500 znaków
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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