1000zł-Dedykowana piosenka na płycie+ pula płyt / Dedicated song on the album+ number of albums. 1000 PLN-Dedicated song on the album+ number of albums

1000zł-Dedykowana piosenka na płycie+ pula płyt / Dedicated song on the album+ number of albums. 1000 PLN-Dedicated song on the album+ number of albums


Jeśli wpłacisz 1000 zł lub więcej – jedna z piosenek na płycie zostanie dedykowana Tobie( opis na płycie) a przy okazji każdego wykonywania tej piosenki na koncercie będę wspominać o Tobie. /

If you donate 1000 zł or more -one of the songs on the album will be dedicated to you. (Description on the disc) and every time I perform this song at a concert, I will talk about you.

English below:

If you donate 1000 zł or more -one of the songs on the album will be dedicated to you. (Description on the disc) and every time I perform this song at a concert, I will talk about you.

There are currently no other rewards on this fundraiser.

1000zł-Dedykowana piosenka na płycie+ pula płyt / Dedicated song on the album+ number of albums. 1000 PLN-Dedicated song on the album+ number of albums

1000zł-Dedykowana piosenka na płycie+ pula płyt / Dedicated song on the album+ number of albums. 1000 PLN-Dedicated song on the album+ number of albums

1000zł-Dedykowana piosenka na płycie+ pula płyt / Dedicated song on the album+ number of albums. 1000 PLN-Dedicated song on the album+ number of albums

1000 zł



Jeśli wpłacisz 1000 zł lub więcej – jedna z piosenek na płycie zostanie dedykowana Tobie( opis na płycie) a przy okazji każdego wykonywania tej piosenki na koncercie będę wspominać o Tobie. /

If you donate 1000 zł or more -one of the songs on the album will be dedicated to you. (Description on the disc) and every time I perform this song at a concert, I will talk about you.

English below:

If you donate 1000 zł or more -one of the songs on the album will be dedicated to you. (Description on the disc) and every time I perform this song at a concert, I will talk about you.

Additional information


, to message Organiser.

There are currently no other rewards on this fundraiser.