Prezenty dla serwisu sprzątającego / Holiday season gift for cleaning service
Prezenty dla serwisu sprzątającego / Holiday season gift for cleaning service
Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 252 135 zrzutek i zebrali 1 421 742 471 zł
A ty na co dziś zbierasz?
Opis zrzutki
Everyone likes to come to the office or use the kitchen area especially when it is well-taken care of. We are in a lucky position where we have a great cleaning service staff who every day is making sure that our office is nice and tidy.
They also share a smile and a nice conversation every time when approached.
With that said, I have prepared 6 small gift baskets for them to show them our appreciation (5 for the cleaning staff and 1 for the person taking care of the flowers). If you want to show your gratitude, feel free to join this initiative and share a dime.
The Administration team will share these gift baskets on Thursday, 23.12.2021
English below:
Everyone likes to come to the office or use the kitchen area especially when it is well-taken care of. We are in a lucky position where we have a great cleaning service staff who every day is making sure that our office is nice and tidy.
They also share a smile and a nice conversation every time when approached.
With that said, I have prepared 6 small gift baskets for them to show them our appreciation (5 for the cleaning staff and 1 for the person taking care of the flowers). If you want to show your gratitude, feel free to join this initiative and share a dime.
The Administration team will share these gift baskets on Thursday, 23.12.2021

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