id: g73szm

Kraków - Clothing Drive for Ukrainian Refugees 💙💛 / Kraków - Clothing Drive for Ukrainian Refugees 💙💛

Kraków - Clothing Drive for Ukrainian Refugees 💙💛 / Kraków - Clothing Drive for Ukrainian Refugees 💙💛

Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 167 594 zrzutki i zebrali 1 215 247 749 zł

A ty na co dziś zbierasz?


  • Yesterday, thanks to Jean, Andrea and a bit of an offline contribution from Mimi and Kim, we spent around 1,300 PLN on underwear for women and children.

    It may not look much, but it truly is. These two bags contain underwear (mostly socks and undies) for approximately 45 women, 25 girls and 25 boys... Still not much? Think again.


    Imagine this: such prosaic things like underwear give comfort and a sense of normalcy to someone who up and left their home without much. Here we're holding precious items that will be appreciated a lot...

    Pictured (left to right) are: Mimi of California, myself, Anna (22 year old student).

    Thank YOU!!! 💙💛

    2500 znaków

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Opis zrzutki

Please help us in these trying times to help those fleeing from Ukraine.

We, a group of volunteers (designated by the city, NGO or just private persons) based in Kraków (Poland), decided to help in any way we can during the refugee crisis:

- we distribute clothes, hygiene products and food to Ukrainian refugees

- we are fundraising to purchase merchandise to be handed in to the refugees at the distribution center

- we are gathering clothing donations to bring them to the distribution center

- we show others where help is needed - sort of an informal information center

- we host refugee families.

Have a look how Jane and Brad helped us and donated towards the socks and underwear for refugees.


What can 1,800 PLN (roughly 400 EUR / 420 USD) get you:

- 30-36 packs (5-7 pairs each) of socks or

- 30-36 packs (3-5 items each) of underwear or

- 60-80 basic t-shirts or

- 60-80 children's PJ's or

- 60-80 children's shorts or

- 45-55 school backpacks or

- 18-22 cabin suitcases.

This list can go on.

People who are fleeing from Ukraine often arrive in Kraków carrying their belongings in a small plastic bag. We want to give them clothing and suitcases so that they feel they have something to hold onto. We distribute clothes directly to the refugees in the clothing tent in Kraków.

My name is Natalia Mieszczak, I host a family of 4 from suburbs of Lviv, Ukraine (Natalia and her daughters: Dana, Justyna and Maria) and I am a volunteer. Please help me help Ukraine and its people by donating.

Here's how you can verify who I am:


KOA Colorado:

You will see the regular updates on how the collection is going on. Pictures, receipts and all needed details. Please PM me if you need more information about myself or a group I help with.


English below:

Please help us in these trying times to help those fleeing from Ukraine.

We, a group of volunteers (designated by the city, NGO or just private persons) based in Kraków (Poland), decided to help in any way we can during the refugee crisis:

- we distribute clothes, hygiene products and food to Ukrainian refugees

- we are fundraising to purchase merchandise to be handed in to the refugees at the distribution center

- we are gathering clothing donations to bring them to the distribution center

- we show others where help is needed - sort of an informal information center

- we host refugee families.

Have a look how Jane and Brad helped us and donated towards the socks and underwear for refugees.


What can 1,800 PLN (roughly 400 EUR / 420 USD) get you:

- 30-36 packs (5-7 pairs each) of socks or

- 30-36 packs (3-5 items each) of underwear or

- 60-80 basic t-shirts or

- 60-80 children's PJ's or

- 60-80 children's shorts or

- 45-55 school backpacks or

- 18-22 cabin suitcases.

This list can go on.

People who are fleeing from Ukraine often arrive in Kraków carrying their belongings in a small plastic bag. We want to give them clothing and suitcases so that they feel they have something to hold onto. We distribute clothes directly to the refugees in the clothing tent in Kraków.

My name is Natalia Mieszczak, I host a family of 4 from suburbs of Lviv, Ukraine (Natalia and her daughters: Dana, Justyna and Maria) and I am a volunteer. Please help me help Ukraine and its people by donating. 

Here's how you can verify who I am:


KOA Colorado:

You will see the regular updates on how the collection is going on. Pictures, receipts and all needed details. Please PM me if you need more information about myself or a group I help with.


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Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.


Pierwsza na świecie karta do przyjmowania wpłat. Karta Wpłatnicza.
Pierwsza na świecie karta do przyjmowania wpłat. Karta Wpłatnicza.
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Wpłaty 12

Ann Roche
1 000 zł
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100 zł
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2 200 zł
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200 zł
Dark Lord
100 zł
Jane Armstrong
210 zł
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100 zł
100 zł
Zobacz więcej

Komentarze 7

2500 znaków