Tworzymy 30-minutówkę! Short film "Zmyj ze mnie wczoraj"
Tworzymy 30-minutówkę! Short film "Zmyj ze mnie wczoraj"
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Cześć kochani, znajomi i nieznajomi, przyszli filmowcy i przyszli widzowie!
Przychodzę do Was z kolejnym projektem filmowym o tytule Zmyj ze mnie wczoraj.
Jest to mój dyplom na studiach filmoznawczych oraz największy i najtrudniejszy projekt z jakim kiedykolwiek miałam okazję się zmierzyć. Co za tym idzie, ekscytacja sięga zenitu, a Wy macie okazję w tej ekscytacji uczestniczyć!!
W tej 30-minutowej produkcji sięgniemy po gatunki takie jak tragikomedia, kino drogi, coming of age. Zdjęcia odbędą się w terminie 9-14 maja na naszych pięknych kaszubskich terenach. Później bez wytchnienia siadamy do montażu by jak najszybciej zobaczyć efekty naszej pracy i waszej pomocy finansowej :)
Premierę filmu przewidujemy kilka miesięcy po produkcji… A może uda nam się spotkać w kinie jeszcze w trakcie wakacji!
Gorąco zachęcam do udziału w zrzutce! :)
Get involved to support a filming crew & let the film compete at festivals!
Hey there, dear friends, both known and unknown. Hello future filmmakers and future audiences!
I’m coming to you with another film project titled Cleanse me of Yesterday.
This is a graduation project from my film studies and, at the same time, the biggest and most challenging project we’ve ever had to handle as a crew. As such, our excitement is going through the roof, and you have the chance to become part of this hype!
In this 30-minute production, we'll dive into genres such as tragicomedy, road movie, and coming of age. The shooting will take place from May 9 until 14 in our beautiful region of Kashubia. Then, without a moment's rest, we'll be editing the film to unveil its final version, made possible thanks to your financial support. :) We expect the film's premiere 3-5 months after production... And we might manage to screen it in a cinema during the summer! I warmly encourage you to join the crowdfunding and pick a reward for your involvement! :)
After traumatic events, high school senior Irka decides to run away from home. Her best friend and next door neighbour, 14-year-old Hubert, packs his bags to join her into the unknown. They start a joint journey by car through the Kashubian forests, fields, and villages, rediscovering their relationship, trying to find safety in it and in each other. What could go wrong with that? Well, everything?
Every donation will bring us closer to the kickoff of this dream project! We’re certainly going to face a ton of production challenges such as road movie logistics, shooting far from home, on empty stomach, with sleep and coffee deprivation. The film crew consists of young creators from from every corner of Poland: Zielona Góra, Bielsko-Biała, Warszawa and beyond.
Your donation will help us cover:
- Sleeping quarters
- Shooting spot
- Rental of filming and sound equipment
- Feeding the hungry crew 🙂
- Renting a car (as a prop)
- Travel costs for actors and the crew
The film touches on various matters that deeply appeal to my director’s sensitivity. I feel the need to speak to the audience with vivid images, entertain them, but leave them with a sense of inspiration. This comes from my effort to understand the audience, and having the audience understand my message. I'm intrigued by a screen-artistic relationship with people who, through their own experiences or attention to the world, can identify with the stories being told.
Cleanse me of Yesterday addresses painful issues such as violence, death, escape, but it is also full of hope, joy and humour. You will see the themes of childhood, the desire to discover the inner self, true friendship, and the coming of age which are going to make up a colourful mish-mash amplified by a 70s music backdrop.
⭐️30 PLN (8 EUR) and more - A digital film poster with the crew’s autographs.
⭐️50 PLN (13 EUR) and more - Special thanks in the film’s end credits + all previous rewards
⭐️100 PLN (25 EUR) and more - A digital copy of the film: sending a digital copy of the film after its premiere + all previous rewards
⭐️200 PLN (50 EUR) and more - An exclusive package of materials such as a scan of the original script with notes and autographs from the film crew and actors, shot list, list of equipment used + all previous rewards
⭐️300 PLN (75 EUR) and more - Exclusive access to a pre-release webinar with the creators, where the film will be shown. Participants will be invited to discuss. We’ll talk about feedback, comments, possible improvements that will help us create the final version of the film. + all previous rewards
⭐️500 PLN (120 EUR) and more - An invitation to the film’s private premiere! + all previous rewards.
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