Na nagranie piosenki i klipu Amelii Anisovych
Na nagranie piosenki i klipu Amelii Anisovych
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Koncert TVN dla Ukrainy ( Rozdanie nagród Wiktory – występ z Katarzyną Łaską ( na Krajowym konkursie chórów w Walii (Śpiewała hymn Ukrainy podczas meczu Ligi Narodów UEFA w Łodzi – Armenia – Ukraina (ępowała także na koncercie dla fundacji Roberta Kennediego w Monaco (spotkanie z Księciem Albertem II), podczas finału polskiej edycji The Voice Kids oraz na żywo w studiu Good morning Britain.Barbara Gawryluk napisała o Amelii Anisovych książkę - opowieść o dziewczynce, która ma moc, której siła i charyzma daje nadzieję wielu ludziom. Książka Moc Amelki miała swoją premierę 16 lipca podczas IX Festiwalu Literatury Dziecięcej w Rabce.ć już teraz o Amelce jest głośno, jest wciąż zaledwie kilkuletnią dziewczynką. Wciąż potrzebuje bezpieczeństwa i możliwości rozwoju. By zapewnić jej odpowiednie ku temu warunki potrzeba wsparcia finansowego, które teraz zostanie wykorzystane na pokrycie kosztów nagrania kilku nowych piosenek, w tym: studia nagraniowego, aranżera, zespołu muzyków, nakręcenia teledysku.
AMELIA ANISOVYCH - a seven-year-old girl who is considered to be a symbol of fighting Ukraine. She became famous after she performed a song from the film Frozen in a Kiev shelter, just after the Russian attack on Ukraine. By doing so, she gave people unreal, magnetic moments just when a world around them was set on fire.Amelia has been living in Poland for six months now and she continues to have singing and Polish language classes. She is developing beautifully and as a result she has been invited by many international TV stations, including BBC Wales, ITV - Good morning Britain, TV Radio Canada and Ukrainian Television. She has performed on many stages in Poland as well as in other countries in Europe. Millions of people from all over the world are fascinated by her strength, resilience talent and personality.So far she has recorded - together with Leigh Nash - Sting Russians song, which is scheduled for its premiere performance soon.You can listen to Amelia here:TVN concert for Ukraine ( Awards - performance with Katarzyna Łaska ( Concert during the National Choir Competition in Wales ( sang the national anthem of Ukraine during the UEFA Nations League match in Łódź - Armenia - Ukraine ( She also performed at the concert for the Robert Kennedy Foundation in Monaco (meeting with Prince Albert II) and during the finals of the Polish edition of The Voice Kids. She gave live performance at Good morning Britain studio.The Polish author Barbara Gawryluk wrote a book about Amelia Anisovych - a little girl whose unusual power and integrity gives hope to many people. The book Power of Amelka had its premiere on July 16th during the 9th Festival of Children's Literature in Rabka. such a short time, Amelka became known to so many of us. However she is still a little girl who as much as security, needs possibility to grow and develop herself. And for that she needs financial suport which will enable her to record songs as well as cover costs of musicians, recording studio, music arranger and production of video clip.
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Djakuju Amelia za Muzyku!
The Musical Bridge Association wants to extend gratitude to Amelia and her team for the wonderful performance in the "Baltic Sea Supports Ukraine" in Helsinki on Nov 28th 2022! All the best for Amelia's musical learning path and career! Please stay safe and let's meet again soon!
Powodzenia Amelka!