PepsiCo KBS Auctions - Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity fundraising
PepsiCo KBS Auctions - Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity fundraising
Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 236 119 zrzutek i zebrali 1 377 748 154 zł
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Opis zrzutki
32nd Final of Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP) is coming! The aim of the upcoming Grand Finale fundraiser is "Post-pandemic lungs" - this year we are playing both for children and adults.
For additional info about Foundation - their successes and path please check:
The Foundation plans to purchase:
- equipment for diagnostic imaging, i.a. MRI and ultrasound equipment,
- equipment for functional diagnosis, i.a. polysomnographs and portable spirometers,
- equipment for endoscopic diagnosis, i.a. navigational bronchoscopy systems and bronchoscopes
- equipment for rehabilitation - equipment for pulmonary rehabilitation used in the treatment of patients after lung transplantation
- equipment for thoracic surgery, e.g. electrocoagulation systems and cryoprobes.
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