Please help me save Lusia's eye so she can see / Please help me save Lusia's eye so she can see.
Please help me save Lusia's eye so she can see / Please help me save Lusia's eye so she can see.
70 zł
zebrano do skarbonki
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Ta skarbonka zasila saldo zrzutki:
Opis skarbonki

Even the smallest life is valuable. Human or animal. We don't know what tomorrow will bring. There are days that we never expect to come. I am writing to my family, friends, acquaintances and people of good will who will want to help. I have always been sensitive to the harm of people and animals. I love helping and do it wherever I can. The time has come when I need help. My beloved horse, Lusia, a 5-year-old mare, suffered an unfortunate accident, as a result of which she has a sick, deeply injured eye. Lusia was immediately taken to the horse clinic in Janków Dolny (Poland) and remains under the excellent care of Aleksandra Zakryś. According to the diagnosis, there is a 50% chance of saving Luśka's eye, as the cornea was very badly damaged. For now, the eye remains sewn shut, and the eye receives antibiotics administered by a special pump. In the worst case, the eye will be removed. The costs of treatment exceed my modest financial capabilities and that is why, together with my children, I am asking you with all my heart for help for our Lusia. She is a very young horse and will always be part of our family. Please help me help Lusia. Please, with all my heart. I am asking on behalf of myself and my children who love her very much. I've never been in such a difficult situation before. Please help me save Lusia's eye so she can see. With even a little bit of help, there is so much hope.

English below:

Even the smallest life is valuable. Human or animal. We don't know what tomorrow will bring. There are days that we never expect to come. I am writing to my family, friends, acquaintances and people of good will who will want to help. I have always been sensitive to the harm of people and animals. I love helping and do it wherever I can. The time has come when I need help. My beloved horse, Lusia, a 5-year-old mare, suffered an unfortunate accident, as a result of which she has a sick, deeply injured eye. Lusia was immediately taken to the horse clinic in Janków Dolny (Poland) and remains under the excellent care of Aleksandra Zakryś. According to the diagnosis, there is a 50% chance of saving Luśka's eye, as the cornea was very badly damaged. For now, the eye remains sewn shut, and the eye receives antibiotics administered by a special pump. In the worst case, the eye will be removed. The costs of treatment exceed my modest financial capabilities and that is why, together with my children, I am asking you with all my heart for help for our Lusia. She is a very young horse and will always be part of our family. Please help me help Lusia. Please, with all my heart. I am asking on behalf of myself and my children who love her very much. I've never been in such a difficult situation before. Please help me save Lusia's eye so she can see. With even a little bit of help, there is so much hope.

70 zł
zebrano do skarbonki
Wpłać do skarbonki
Ta skarbonka zasila saldo zrzutki: Sp. z o.o. al. Karkonoska 59, 53-015 Wrocław, Polska. KRS: 0000634168. Kapitał zakładowy: 550 000 PLN. Krajowa instytucja płatnicza nadzorowana przez Komisję Nadzoru Finansowego. czytaj więcej to narzędzie do samodzielnego zorganizowania zbiórki pieniężnej na dowolnie wybrany cel, za darmo, bez prowizji. to nie tylko platforma crowdfundingowa (crowdfunding - finansowanie społecznościowe wybranego projektu) i fundraisingowa (fundraising - zbieranie pieniędzy poprzez wsparcie osób, firm, fundacji). To przede wszystkim wirtualna portmonetka/skarbonka, do której zrzucają się wszyscy zainteresowani określonym celem: zbiórka charytatywna, na prezent, na projekt/biznes, na wyjazd ze znajomymi - Ty określasz cel. to w pewien sposób "mix" platform takich jak Kickstarter czy Indiegogo z najbardziej znanym wirtualnym portfelem świata jakim jest PayPal. Zrzutkę może założyć osoba prywatna, a także firma, fundacja, instytucja. Zrób zrzutkę, zaproś znajomych i zobacz jak prosto jest zbierać pieniądze online!
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