For English Speakers
For English Speakers
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Opis skarbonki

Dear Good People,

My name is Sharon. I moved to Poland almost 30 years ago to join my then boyfriend Lech, whom I married and have a daughter with. For over 20 years I have been working as an Elementary School teacher. I probably own too many books and I love music and dance.

Just several months ago, we had with Lech many plans for the future, but fate dealt us a powerful blow. In the fall of 2024, what started as prolonged coughing generated a series of doctor visits becoming more specialized, ultimately resulting in a diagnosis: malignant, advanced stage stomach cancer. We have to act, and fast.

Chemotherapy + Anti-HER + Immunotherapy - this combination gives me a chance for the future. Part of the treatment is subsidized by the Polish National Healthcare (NFZ), but immunotherapy for my type of cancer is not. Immunotherapy has a chance of being particularly effective in my situation. This has already been confirmed by clinical trials and recommendations at the EU level, but unfortunately this protocol has not yet been approved in Poland as a reimbursable program for stomach cancer. The process is lengthy and it is not known when it will be officially approved.

Knowing we cannot wait, we have already started the treatment. For now we are using our savings. We are glad that this treatment is already available in Poland, that we do not have to go abroad, but the cost is huge... too big for us to shoulder by ourselves. We also have additional medical costs for the duration of the treatment.

I want to fight and will do it with all I've got but I need your support.

My husband and I hope that you will stand by our side. Why would you want to do that? People do amazing and incredible things every day, if for no other reason than because they can. Because they want to. Because they have unbounded goodness in them.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


I am a beneficiary of the Avalon Foundation. My sub-account number is: ocaya gamon, 20010

100 zł
zebrano do skarbonki
Wpłać do skarbonki
Ta skarbonka zasila saldo zrzutki: Sp. z o.o. al. Karkonoska 59, 53-015 Wrocław, Polska. KRS: 0000634168. Kapitał zakładowy: 550 000 PLN. Krajowa instytucja płatnicza nadzorowana przez Komisję Nadzoru Finansowego. czytaj więcej to narzędzie do samodzielnego zorganizowania zbiórki pieniężnej na dowolnie wybrany cel, za darmo, bez prowizji. to nie tylko platforma crowdfundingowa (crowdfunding - finansowanie społecznościowe wybranego projektu) i fundraisingowa (fundraising - zbieranie pieniędzy poprzez wsparcie osób, firm, fundacji). To przede wszystkim wirtualna portmonetka/skarbonka, do której zrzucają się wszyscy zainteresowani określonym celem: zbiórka charytatywna, na prezent, na projekt/biznes, na wyjazd ze znajomymi - Ty określasz cel. to w pewien sposób "mix" platform takich jak Kickstarter czy Indiegogo z najbardziej znanym wirtualnym portfelem świata jakim jest PayPal. Zrzutkę może założyć osoba prywatna, a także firma, fundacja, instytucja. Zrób zrzutkę, zaproś znajomych i zobacz jak prosto jest zbierać pieniądze online!
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