id: jv33hw

Na wsparcie Pawła i Maxa / Support for Paweł and his son Max

Na wsparcie Pawła i Maxa / Support for Paweł and his son Max

Opis zrzutki

Kochani, Kiedy założyłam tę zrzutkę Marlena - żona mojego kolegi jeszcze żyła. Dziś już Jej nie ma wsród nas. Odeszła 9 października o 7 rano. 29 września Marlena nagle zaczęła się dusić i w ciągu dwóch minut przestała oddychać. Leżała w Szpitalu Bródnowskim w śpiączce farmakologicznej na oddziale OIOM. Niestety w ostatnim czasie ich sytuacja finansowa nie była najlepsza a w związku z zaistniałą sytuacją Paweł musiał zostawić pracę dorywczą, żeby być z Maxem (ich 6 letnim synem), który był świadkiem całego zdarzenia. Bardzo Was proszę o wsparcie. My beloved ones Marlena, wife of my friend, was still alive when I set up this fund-raiser. Today she's not with us anymore. She passed away on 9th of October at 7 am. On 29th of October Marlena started suddenly to suffocate and stopped breathing within two minutes. She was put into medically induced coma and stayed in the intensive care unit of the local hospital in Warsaw. Their financial situation was not great recently and furthermore Pawel was forced to leave his temporary job to take care of his 6 years old son Max, who witnessed the whole tragic situation. I'd like to ask you to support them via this fund-raiser.

English below:

My beloved ones Marlena, wife of my friend, was still alive when I set up this fund-raiser. Today she's not with us anymore. She passed away on 9th of October at 7 am. On 29th of October Marlena started suddenly to suffocate and stopped breathing within two minutes. She was put into medically induced coma and stayed in the intensive care unit of the local hospital in Warsaw. Their financial situation was not great recently and furthermore Pawel was forced to leave his temporary job to take care of his 6 years old son Max, who witnessed the whole tragic situation. I'd like to ask you to support them via this fund-raiser.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

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Komentarze 5

2500 znaków