Pomoc dla braci chorych na FIP/ Help the brothers suffering from FIP / Help the brothers suffering with FIP
Pomoc dla braci chorych na FIP/ Help the brothers suffering from FIP / Help the brothers suffering with FIP
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Opis zrzutki
Dwójka braci, Lily i Kuna dopiero skończyli pierwszy rok swojego życia gdy otrzymali wyrok- FIP. Z żywiołowych, gadatliwych i rozrabiających zmienili się nie do poznania. Spuchnięty brzuszek, brak apetytu, żółtaczka i osłabienie sprawiły, że są cieniem dawnych siebie.
Dla nas są kimś więcej niż tylko kotami, to część naszej rodziny i nie wyobrażamy sobie życia bez nich.
Leczenie jest bardzo drogie, lecz nie chcemy się poddać, kociaki mają całe życie przed sobą!
Kwota zrzutki zapewne was przeraża, lecz tak wygląda rzeczywistość przy chorobie FIP:
Fiolka leku którego używamy kosztuje prawie sto dolarów, a jedną zużywamy na dzień.
Pełna terapia trwa aż 84 dni a przerwanie jej gwałtownie zwiększa ryzyko nawrotu choroby.
Pomóżcie nam uratować rodzeństwo, by mogły nadal cieszyć się życiem!
Kuna and Lily are two cat brothers, who on the day of their first birthday got diagnosed with a deadly disease- FIP. Till not long ago, it was a death sentence as there was no cure for it. Our world collapsed upon hearing the news- the vet told us there is no official treatment for it and the only thing we can do is help them live the last days as peacefully as possible. But we found that they were wrong.
Now, there is hope to save them, but the medicine is extremely expensive and we simply cannot afford it. One vial of it costs 100$ and we use one per day- the treatment lasts 84 days. The costs are simply way above our budget.
Without proper treatment, the only thing we can do is euthanize them. These cats are like family to us and we want them to continue being the little brats they are, roaming around carelessly.
FIP changed Kuna and Lily completely- from two kittens full of energy they turned into little balls of sadness- abdominal fluid, no appetite, apathy, losing weight, and turning into skeletons.
Kuna and Lily have been found as little fluffy balls and raised in a loving family. They have been spoiled by us in every possible way and we want to give them a chance to live with us for years.
Many people have told us to just give up and put them to sleep, but we simply cannot do it, we cannot give up on them without a fight.
Please help us fund the treatment, we would be extremely grateful for any support. Help us bring our cats back to life and to their old selves.
We appreciate any help, no matter how small!
In case you're having issues with figuring out how to donate, here's the bank info needed to make an international transfer to this fund:
IBAN: PL 51 1750 1312 6885 5816 2303 9347
Bank name: BNP Paribas Bank Polska Spółka Akcyjna
Address: ul. Kasprzaka 10/16, 01-211 Warsaw
Also, we have created a PayPal fundraiser for the kittens, to make donating even easier:
English below:
Kuna and Lily are two brothers who, despite being just one year old, have been diagnosed with FIP.
In just a couple of days we could see them becoming weaker and weaker and it breaks our hearts.
We miss their old selves, roaming around and playing.
The treatment for it is very expensive and we simply cannot afford it.
We treat our cats as a part of our family and cannot imagine to give up on them without fighting.
Please help us fight for their lives!

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