id: mpg9ms

HELP VOLUNTEERS / Please support volunteers to keep helping the refugees

HELP VOLUNTEERS / Please support volunteers to keep helping the refugees

Wpłaty nieaktywne - wymagane działanie Organizatora zrzutki. Jeśli jesteś Organizatorem - zaloguj się i podejmij wymagane działania.
Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze skarbonek
Dodaj skarbonkę do zrzutki

Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 159 257 zrzutek i zebrali 1 203 921 178 zł

A ty na co dziś zbierasz?

Opis zrzutki

We're an international team of regular people that can not act any other way than help nowadays refugees who struggled as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

We do a lot:

transfer humanitarian help via the Polish-Ukrainian border in our cars,

repair the refugees' cars when they're accidentally broken on the road,

help refugees to get to their destination.

From the very beginning, we act on our own resources and money, however, they tend to end. We wish to keep helping with all of our hearts, but extremely need your support.

The money that would be gathered here will be spent on buying the most necessary stuff to repair refugees' vehicles. And that would give us an ability to fill our cars as well. 

We appreciate a lot of your trust. Thanks to your donations we are able to keep helping.

English below:

We're an international team of regular people that can not act any other way than help nowadays refugees who struggled as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

We do a lot:

transfer humanitarian help via the Polish-Ukrainian border in our cars,

repair the refugees' cars when they're accidentally broken on the road,

help refugees to get to their destination.

From the very beginning, we act on our own resources and money, however, they tend to end. We wish to keep helping with all of our hearts, but extremely need your support.

The money that would be gathered here will be spent on buying the most necessary stuff to repair refugees' vehicles. And that would give us an ability to fill our cars as well. 

We appreciate a lot of your trust. Thanks to your donations we are able to keep helping.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.


Pierwsza na świecie Karta Wpłatnicza. Przyjmuj wpłaty gdziekolwiek jesteś.
Pierwsza na świecie Karta Wpłatnicza. Przyjmuj wpłaty gdziekolwiek jesteś.
Dowiedz się więcej

Jeszcze nikt nie założył skarbonki na tej zrzutce. Twoja może być pierwsza!

Wpłaty 3

Dariusz Kostuch
100 zł
Dane ukryte
300 zł
Anna Kajetanowicz
300 zł


2500 znaków
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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