Quizact vol. 13 FIFA World Cup
Quizact vol. 13 FIFA World Cup
Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 252 377 zrzutek i zebrali 1 422 735 580 zł
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Opis zrzutki
The FIFA World Cup in Qatar - quite a treat for fans of this sport - kicks off this month
That’s why out next Quizact will be World Cup related. And not only this year edition, but also the historic ones.
Thus we would like to invite all fans and soccer
Great fun is guaranteed, regardless of whether you already know everything about soccer, or you only watch the matches of your favourite team!
The funds raised during the event will be donated to the charitable organization indicated by the winner.
1. The aim of the event is to raise money for a charitable purpose.
2. It is a great opportunity to test your knowledge of World Cup.
3. You will have a lot of fun with other fans of this sport.
To take part in the quiz you need to make a donation of PLN 10 by 23 November 2022 or PLN 15 on the day of the Quiz. Of course, you can donate more: a charitable organization indicated by the Quiz winner will receive the total amount raised! Do you want to support a shelter, an orphanage or maybe help raise money for surgery? Join our event!
In the title of donations, indicate your name or the nickname you will use during the Quiz on the Google Meet app and the Kahoot platform.
Meeting ID: http://meet.google.com/zzz-nrpo-skc
Questions will be available in two language versions: in English and Polish.
Rotaract is an international organization for young people who want to do something for others. We often support children from poorer families or orphanages, elderly and other people in need. We also help animals.
Through these activities, we can develop our skills and meet new people (also from abroad), which may turn into lifelong friends.

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