id: mzffwr

Christmas collection for the family of Gabriela and Krystian

Christmas collection for the family of Gabriela and Krystian

Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 247 016 zrzutek i zebrali 1 403 480 177 zł

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It is a very poor family living in a dramatically bad conditions without a bathroom. Gabriela has not had an easy life since she was a child. She has serious health problems, which means that she can’t work. She struggles with many diseases, she has a serious eye defect and can’t see on one eye. From a bright side - she has won the fight against Malignant cervical cancer. Krystian is in a final year of secondary school and he is an exemplary student. For his achievements at school he received many awards, he dreams to study in the Silesian University of Technology. During the summer holidays he undertakes all kinds of work to support the home budget.

Despite the difficult situation, the family doesn’t complain about the fate and doesn’t give up no matter what happens to them. Therefore, we would love to bring a smile on their faces even for a little while this Christmas.


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2500 znaków
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