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Jovanny Roob
Proper lighting is essential for the growth and development of autoflower weed seeds. These seeds require a specific amount of light to grow into healthy plants that produce high-quality buds. When it comes to lighting, there are several things to consider, including the type of light, the duration of light exposure, and the distance between the light source and the plants. One of the most important factors to keep in mind is the type of light. Autoflower seeds require full-spectrum light, which provides a balanced spectrum of light that mimics natural sunlight. It is also important to ensure that the plants receive the right amount of light exposure. Typically, autoflower seeds require 18-24 hours of light per day during the vegetation stage and 12 hours of light per day during the flowering stage. Additionally, the distance between the light source and the plants should be carefully monitored to avoid damaging the plants. By providing proper lighting conditions, you can help ensure the healthy growth and development of your autoflower weed seeds.