Profil organizatora
Lidia Zessin-Jurek
My name is Lidia Zessin-Jurek and I am a member of Tikkun Pacov association. I have joined the association to help organise this fund rising in Poland. Tikkun Pacov is a registered, apolitical, non-profit, non-governmental organisation striving to keep the Jewish history and cultural heritage in the Pacov area alive. Tikkun (Hebrew for repair) for us means the renewal of historical memory and memory of the tragically deceased Jewish residents of Pacov. All donations to the transparent bank account No. 2701205032/2010 (IBAN: CZ72 2010 0000 0027 0120 5032; SWIFT/BIC: FIOBCZPPXXX) are highly appreciated and will be used in our ongoing efforts to save the local synagogue. You can also contact us via email: [email protected]. The statutes are available for inspection via the public register.