id: py92br

!!!Let's make a Christmas miracle together!!!

!!!Let's make a Christmas miracle together!!!

Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 232 074 zrzutki i zebrali 1 366 018 441 zł

A ty na co dziś zbierasz?

Opis zrzutki

This message is addressed to you, who can change the faith of one car service station and its 70 employees with their families.

Ukraine's economy and Ukrainian entrepreneurs during the war

You most probably heard of the disastrous consequences of the ongoing war for the Ukrainian people and economy:

  • GDP has shrunk by about a third, and the material losses associated with the destruction of infrastructure exceed $100 billion and are increasing every day;
  • Progressive inflation, weakening of the currency and very high unemployment are growing problems for society;
  • The functioning of the state, including the payment of social benefits, salaries, and pensions, is almost entirely dependent on foreign financial assistance.

However, you might not have heard of the faith of small- and medium–sized businesses that support Ukrainian civilians, the military, and the economy.

  • The SMEs are struggling to survive as no financial support is available, neither governmental nor foreign.
  • Recent russian massive attack (on 16th Dec 2022) on critical infrastructure caused the Blackout in most cities of Ukraine.
  • Before 16th Dec 2022 half of Ukrainian energy infrastructure was already damaged by russian military.
  • With recent attacks, the system has become almost unreliable in some Ukrainian regions, which is why reducing power consumption allows for saving power for most critical infrastructures.

With that said, imagine the existence of a person without electricity for an average of 4 hours a day in most energy-demanding hours. Moreover, let's imagine the functioning of SMEs with no electricity... – impossible.


Car service station

  • It is a small-sized business (I’m not able to provide specific information about the owner and firm, since to the threat of being bombarded. Unfortunately, there is already a bad example of a car service that was destroyed right after the announcement of the fundraiser).
  • Starting the very first day of russian military invasion in Ukraine, the owner of the firm decided to provide services for the Ukrainian military, volunteers and refugees from closely illegally occupied cities for free.
  • For the last 9 months, the firm managed to provide more than 50 services for military cars only and much more for internally displaced people. However, the financial reserves have been exhausted with no possibility of recovering, as it is almost impossible to operate without electricity.


I am forced to ask for help to collect the funds for electric generators which could enable functioning in hours without electrical power.

This could get a chance for the firm to survive and keep supporting Ukrainian military and volunteers.

What is more, the operation of the firm enables existence of more than 70 employees with their families.

The aim is to collect 15 000 EUR in order to finance 5 electric generators and STARLINK.


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Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

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