id: r7wdy3

Terapia / Wsparcie Utrzymania / Therapy | Survival

Terapia / Wsparcie Utrzymania / Therapy | Survival

Opis zrzutki

Hi Guys,

I'm starting this new fundraiser which is the following to the first one that just ended with a very generous score o 140%.

I wanted to thank all of you who participated. If you followed the progress you know that it got me up on medication, intense therapy, fixed my back problems, provided me with tools to continue writing music and on top of everything else to move to a new place where I could start over and concentrate on my therapy & medical treatment. Those funds are gone.

This is maybe too much to ask and I'm not really expecting anything.

I'm only doing this since my doctors are still strongly advising against me starting to work normally in my state.

It could result in falling into another long manic episode that could end worse than the previous one which nearly got me killed by my own hands. I know this sounds heavy, but those of you that know me a little are familiar with how direct and open I can be with serious stuff just like this one.

For those who don't know the details of my situation from the start here's the link to the 1st fundraiser with the full description of my Bipolar Disorder story:

FYI it was verified by the official documents from the doctors and the hospital I've been to.

I started to talk my therapy and everything connected on my youtube channel:

Please feel free to subscribe and follow the process of my therapy there.

I am soo grateful for what you guys are doing for me.

I'm quite sure I wouldn't be able to do this without your support.



English below:

Hi Guys,

I'm starting this new fundraiser which is the following to the first one that just ended with a very generous score o 140%.

I wanted to thank all of you who participated. If you followed the progress you know that it got me up on medication, intense therapy, fixed my back problems, provided me with tools to continue writing music and on top of everything else to move to a new place where I could start over and concentrate on my therapy & medical treatment. Those funds are gone.

This is maybe too much to ask and I'm not really expecting anything.

I'm only doing this since my doctors are still strongly advising against me starting to work normally in my state.

It could result in falling into another long manic episode that could end worse than the previous one which nearly got me killed by my own hands. I know this sounds heavy, but those of you that know me a little are familiar with how direct and open I can be with serious stuff just like this one.

For those who don't know the details of my situation from the start here's the link to the 1st fundraiser with the full description of my Bipolar Disorder story:

FYI it was verified by the official documents from the doctors and the hospital I've been to.

I started to talk my therapy and everything connected on my youtube channel:

Please feel free to subscribe and follow the process of my therapy there.

I am soo grateful for what you guys are doing for me.

I'm quite sure I wouldn't be able to do this without your support.



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Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

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