id: pfhwxc

🇺🇦 #RazemDlaUkrainy / 🇺🇦 Join The International Aid Operation #HelpForUkraine

🇺🇦 #RazemDlaUkrainy / 🇺🇦 Join The International Aid Operation #HelpForUkraine

Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 215 992 zrzutki i zebrali 1 317 794 380 zł

A ty na co dziś zbierasz?


  • Przez ostatnie dwa tygodnie sporo się działo!💪 Wasze wsparcie nadal nas motywuje do pomocy setkom ofiar wojny w Ukrainie, mimo tego, że środki powoli się kończą.

    Do Gródka znów wyruszył bus po brzegi wypełniony mlekiem modyfikowanym i pieluszkami dla 500 sierot wojennych. Do potrzebujących w Jazłowcu i Czortkowie dostarczyliśmy pomoc humanitarną od przyjaciół z Niemiec, Holandii, Danii i Austrii. Mieliśmy przywilej po raz kolejny pomóc pięknemu miejscu — schronisku Matki i Dziecka we Lwowie. Szkoła kreatywna What if creative school, która uczy dzieci i młodzież ze Wschodu, też nie została bez uwagi. Dostarczyliśmy im farby, plastelinę, albumy — wszystko czego potrzeba do kreatywnego rozwoju.


    Przez to, że w Ukrainie brakuje obecnie paliwa, wspieramy także wolontariuszy, którzy rozwożą dary do potrzebujących.

    To wszystko udało się zrealizować dzięki Wam! Nasza akcja #RazemDlaUkrainy zebrała prawie 4 miliony złotych. Lecz niestety wojna trwa i potrzeby nadal są olbrzymie… Dlatego prosimy o dalsze wsparcie zrzutki🙏


    2500 znaków

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To zwiększy wiarygodność Twojej zrzutki i zaangażowanie darczyńców.

Opis zrzutki

Dzisiaj jesteśmy razem z Ukrainą! Międzynarodowa Pomoc dla Ukrainy.

🇺🇦 Українська версія - BELOW

🇬🇧 English version - LINK

Uruchamiamy oficjalną zrzutkę, dedykowaną pomocy humanitarnej naszym najbliższym sąsiadom, ofiarom wojny. Nie wiemy jeszcze jakie będą potrzeby, ale chcemy być teraz razem z mieszkańcami Ukrainy. Zarówno z tymi, którzy zostali w kraju, jak i z tymi, którzy szukają u nas schronienia.

Wszystkie środki zebrane na tej zrzutce będą przekazane w 100% organizacjom, które już teraz pomagają osobom poszkodowanym oraz wykorzystane na zakupy wskazane przez Konsulat Ukrainy. Wszystkie koszty operacyjne pokrywamy z własnych środków. Będziemy Was informować, gdzie trafiają środki i jakie działania są podejmowanie dzięki nim.

Działamy transparentnie - pod tym linkiem znajdziecie aktualizowane na bieżąco rozliczenie akcji, ten link prowadzi do folderu, który zawiera potwierdzenia wszystkich wykonanych przez nas przelewów i zakupów. Dokumenty te będą aktualizowane na bieżąco.

Dotychczas zgłoszone organizacje, do których trafiają zebrane środki:


Kolejne organizacje, które chcą się do nas zgłosić prosimy o kontakt pod adresem email: [email protected]

Zrzutka została utworzona przez Fundację To się uda, przy wsparciu portalu Jest to oficjalna akcja, dzięki której chcemy wesprzeć, w miarę możliwości, wszystkie polskie organizacje niosące pomoc ofiarom wojny na terenie Ukrainy i Polski, które nie mają obecnie czasu na zbieranie środków. Będziemy rozdysponowywać środki na bieżąco.

Pokażmy, że w obliczu tej tragedii jesteśmy razem z wszystkimi poszkodowanymi. Wspierajcie ich dobrymi myślami, modlitwami, wpłatami. Zakładajcie skarbonki, piszcie na social media. W tej najczarniejszej godzinie dla mieszkańców Ukrainy wspierajmy ich jak możemy.

Pokażmy, że jesteśmy razem z nimi, wysyłając ciepło i nadzieję.

Chcemy aby środki trafiały jak najszybciej do organizacji, które aktualnie pomagają.

*Możesz zgłosić się do nas jeżeli:

- Twoja organizacja działa minimum 2 lata;

- Jest zarejestrowaną organizacją non - profit (fundacją lub stowarzyszeniem);

- Niesie pomoc humanitarną w jakiejkolwiek postaci ofiarom wojny na Ukrainie;

- Środki będą wykorzystywane w aktualnie prowadzonych działaniach.

Zgłoszenia organizacji wysyłajcie na adres email: [email protected].



Сьогодні ми разом з усіма українцями! 

Ми запускаємо офіційну програму для збору коштів, спрямовану на надання гуманітарної допомоги нашим найближчим сусідам, українцям, які постраждали від воєнних дій, що почалися в Україні 24 лютого 2022. Також, ми хочемо допомогти звичайним громадянам, які постраждали психологічно або тим, хто був змушений виїхати закордон. На даний момент, ми ще не знаємо стовідсотково, яка допомога буде найкориснішою, тому залучаємо до співпраці різні позаурядові організації. 

Всі кошти, зібрані на нашій платформі будуть повністю передані тим єдносткам, які вже мають досвід у наданні гуманітарної допомоги постраждалим. Всі оперативні кошти для підтримання даної платформи та програми покриваються нами, незалежно від ваших донатів. Для вас ми хочемо бути максимально прозорими, тому всю інформації щодо розподілення коштів на підтримання організацій готових до ціленаправленої допомоги. 

Цей проект був створений фундацією «To się uda (То все вдасться)» за допомогою платформи Це офіційна програма, за допомогою якої, ми хочемо підтримати усіх постраждалих, фізично та емоційно, хто знаходиться в України та поза її межами. Ми співпрацюємо з багатьма польскими організаціями, але завжди охочі до сторонньої допомоги від інших фундацій. Тому, якщо твоя організації старше двух років і ти знаєш, як можеш нам допомогти, пиши на цю адресу: [email protected]. Ми будемо раді будь-якій допомозі. 

Ми знаємо, що безліч людей готові допомагати всім, хто опинився у скрутній ситуації. Давайте об’єднаємось та допоможем любим доступним шляхом—психологічно або фінансово. Навіть звичайний репост може бути корисним, не будь байдужим. 

Бажаємо всім мирного неба над головою та віримо у все добре!

English below:

Since the war broke out on 24 of February over 2.5 million refugees have fled Ukraine. People fled for their lives without the opportunity to pack themself - only grabbing a few documents and basic products (or neither). Getting to safety is extremely dangerous and a long journey. Refugees get to the Polish border exhausted and freezing.

We, the Poles, share our houses to provide shelter, share our food to be sure no Ukrainian refugee is hungry, share our money and time to lend a hand for everybody. Polish citizens are doing their best but the bucket of needs is huge and only with YOUR donation drops we will be able to ensure safety and security for all refugees.

Each day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine over 100 000 refugees seek shelter in Poland. Polish people are hospitable for over 1.7 MILLION women, children and seniors. It is said that the number of refugees will exceed at least 5 MILLION before the war ends.

Our relief campaign has been verified and is supported by the Polish government -

We operate transparently - at this link, you will find our #HelpForUkraine settlement updated on an ongoing basis, this link will take you to the folder that contains confirmations of all transfers and purchases made by us. These documents will be updated on a regular basis

For those of you who are outrageously furious with what Putin and his army are guilty for in Ukraine - for example genocide of civilian people or cases of tanks running over civilian cars - we have a special opportunity. Visit donate some money and express your (negative) support for their criminal action. We allow all kinds of messages so please - DO NOT HOLD BACK! We will do our best to deliver those messages straight to the recipient. All donations will be added to this relief campaign.

All Ukrainian men aged 18-60 are banned from leaving the country - they have to protect their loved ones and their homes. Are urged to join the army as Russian troops attack civilians and constantly bomb towns - even maternity hospital few days ago. Tens of thousand Ukrainian citizens settled in Poland answered the call and decided to go back and fight for their nation to ensure protection for those who are most in danger.

Polish NGOs and foundations do their best to organize and provide help. This relief campaign secures money for over 50 non-profit organizations providing support there, where it is needed the most. Our cooperation delivers comprehensive support on many areas of needs - together we supply Ukraine with formula for newborn children as well as bulletproof vests and helmets for the army.


You can join our fundraiser by setting up YOUR MONEYBOX. All money donated to your moneybox will add to this whip-round. You will be able to see how your effort and popularity transfer into real help for the Ukrainian nation. In addition, if you or your company is able to help in any other way please contact us directly and we will manage to give you the opportunity to provide all kinds of aid.

Global fundraising campaign at is set by a leading polish fundraising website 100% of collected donations will be used to lend a hand to Ukrainian people. Check the updates below for what has already been done!

We keep our finances clear - check by yourself HERE and HERE. It's a google drive folder with all payment confirmation done by To się uda (eng. it WILL come true) foundation.

We (at ensure that all your donations will be used to give help. That's what we have done everyday for the last 7 years in Poland. We helped to gather over 680 000 000 PLN (around 150 000 000 EUR) for thousands of people in Poland. was going to be (and will be in the future) the global version of the leading polish fundraising website In times of war in Ukraine, we have decided to postpone our plans and launch a fundraising campaign for Ukraine. We need to ask the global community to help us lend a hand for millions Ukrainians in need. All the western world needs to unite and support our brothers and sisters.


Monday, 21 March 2022 at 11:31 am

Since the beginning of #TogetherForUkraine whip-round we wanted to share your donations with other NGO foundations. And as for today we managed to provide it to over 50 organisations. All together we can achieve more than by ourselves. 

Together we have sent several dozen humanitarian convoys. Each day we receive confirmations of successful deliveries providing help there where it's needed most. And each day we are amazed by what we have accomplished thanks to Your donations. 

One day a convoy organised by Stowarzyszenie Klub Strzelających Inaczej (eng. The Otherwise Shooting Club Association) managed to deliver aid straight to Kharkiv, where Russians bomb fell daily. Other day The Odra Niemen Association informed us that they had delivered 11 000 kg of food, 4 000 kg of cleaning products, 4 000 kg of children's necessities and over 1 500 kg of medical supplies (1 000 kg is 2 205 lbs). These numbers shocked us! 

Together we can make a change and help those in need. We are proud that we can be a part of this all and we kindly ask you to join us too!  



Friday, 18 March 2022 at 10:57 am

War in Ukraine is not going to end in a few days and Ukrainian refugees are looking for rooms and accomodation for the longer period of time. Foundation Habitat is doing their best to provide shelter for everybody in need. They are looking for rooms and apartments to rent in Warsaw and nearby. 

Habitat began an action of social rent - they are renting flats and sharing them with refugees. Habitat ensures money for all costs - landlords does not need to worry about anything. If anyone would like to share their apartments (and still earn the money!) please contact Foundation Habitat here.


Thursday, 17 March 2022 at 2:10 pm

Today we sent aid straight to Lviv in Ukraine. Special medical supplies to treat wounds, over 2400 prepared meals, 4 generators and more than 1000 blankets will be delivered. All together costs approx 20 000 EUR. 

Since the war broke out our Foundation To się uda provided humanitarian aid for more than 700 000 PLN (150 000 EUR).  In cooperation with over 50 foundations we were able to send dozens of convoys filled with aid that were delivered all across Ukraine. Donating for these whip-round you provide the possibility for this help. Thank you! 



Wednesday, 16 March 2022 at 16:40 pm

What emotions does war make you feel? Do you feel fear, powerlessness, rage? Send a message to Putin!

By supporting our collection, you can send a message to Putin via a special form. Which one would we send? 'Putin, end this cruel war!'.

Visit: and join the international fundraising to help Ukrainian refugees!

From the start of we have already helped over 635,000 people around the world, supporting them for the amount of over 150 million euros.This time it is Poland that needs your support to be able to help refugees from Ukraine fleeing Putin's war. In cooperation with the Fundacja To się uda, as well as the involvement of 50 national foundations, we have launched a special international fundraiser (verified by the Polish government and avialble also at our international domain - under the common slogan: HelpForUkraine / MessageForPutin (

100% of the funds we raise will go towards helping refugees. How are we helping now? We will provide safe shelter for food, clothing, medicine, transport from border areas. Let's carry this help as long as we can!


Monday, 14 March 2022 at 20:45 pm

At this link, you will find our #HelpForUkraine settlement updated on an ongoing basis, this link will take you to the folder that contains confirmations of all transfers and purchases made by us. These documents will be updated on a regular basis. The chart below shows the expenses made in the amount collected:


Friday, 11 March 2022 at 12:45 pm

Last night we were able to prepare and send another convoy of humanitarian aid directly to the Ukrainian people. 22 pallets filled with medical supplies (for soldiers and civilians wounded in the war), over 75km of duct tape and approx 1000 kg of formula (another 2000 kg will be sent with the next convoy in a few days).

We were able to organize this transport thanks to Lower Silesian Oncology Center and Speaker of Lower Silesian - Mr. Marcin Krzyżanowski. Thanks to their help we managed to get all supplies that are needed on the battlefield. The Polish Agency of Strategic Reserves secured the transport. 

We are glad that Together we can try to improve and secure lives in Ukraine.

Wednesday, 9 March 2022 at 1:38 pm

Tomorrow (Thursday 10 of March) in the evening we will send another convoy of humanitarian aid to Ukraine. To się uda (eng. it WILL come true) foundation in collaboration with Lower Silesian Marshal Office and Lower Silesian Oncology Center managed to organize professional medical supplies, 75 km (46 miles) of duct tape and over 3 000 kg (6 600 lbs) of milk formula. 

We keep all our finances and purchases clear here. Therefore you can be sure that all donated to TO się uda foundation money will be used to provide help directly where it's most needed. We are in communication with local and best informed authorities. With your assistance we can make a change and improve the situation for thousands of people..

Monday, 7 March 2022 at 10:43 am

With the funds donated to #TogetherForUkraine WeźPomóż (eng. Come on - Help) Foundation has managed to launch a new helping point for Ukrainian refugees. 💙💛 Everybody in needs can find temporary accommodation and get everything what they can need! 

On Poznańska street in Wrocław WeźPomóż provided: beds, clothes, food, diapers and even toys! 👕🧻🧸🥫🚰 Refugee point is open everyday but it is kindly asked to arrive there monday-friday 2pm to 8pm and weekends 9am to 8pm. 



Sunday, 6 March 2022 at 3:53 pm

Yesterday (5th March) our #Tosieuda (eng. it WILL come true) foundation crew went to Ukrainian - Polish border crossing in Medyka where hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians seek help and shelter. We visited a refugee reception point - a place created by volunteers which provides basic medical assistance, accommodation and hot meals for everybody in need. Situation in Medyka’s refugee point is heartbreaking - volunteers do their best but lack of manpower and funds can be seen. The number of refugees is too big for what they can provide. Money donated here help us (via #Tosieuda foundation and Ukraine Foundation) to arrange especially this kind of aid that is going to make the best effect.




Saturday, 5 March 2022 at 12:44 pm

Our humanitarian action was joined by Piotr Kucharski - a chef from Wrocław well known from his culinary program on Dzień Dobry TVN (Polish Morning TV). For depositing any amount into Piotr's moneybox you will receive an invitation to an online bread baking workshop (conducted in Polish)! Piotr will answer all your questions related to baking bread, and together we will prepare a classic challah, yeast bread and rye leaven.


Let's bake bread for Ukraine! 

Thursday, 3 March 2022 at 21:27 pm

Today we add the update only in the evening, because we were working at full speed all day! We have just bought and handed over medical equipment (in accordance with arrangements that we have done with the Ukrainian Consul) - a total of as many as 22 pallets full of syringes, cannulas, bandages, etc. We allocated PLN 250,000 for this purpose. You can find a full list of products purchased by us in the same place where we publish confirmations of transfers made -

Thanks to the cooperation of the Consulate and the teams of the Marshal's Office of Lower Silesia, DCOHIP, our To Się Uda Foundation and, in record time and at good prices, we purchased exactly the things that are currently most needed in Ukraine. The RARS convoy, led by the police, is picking the cargo up from us and taking it to Ukraine. We turn your donations into real help - thank you!kbdcd1863ce5eed2.pngea3b01e8ef6bc58b.jpegnf739bd21fcaaf4b.jpegae8233913ffcdbfb.jpegx768a9803177f215.jpeg

Wednesday, 2 March 2022 at 12:22 pm

We have already wired PLN one million! Most of the Foundations that joined our campaign, have already received the financial aid - we have transferred 255 thousand to Ukraine Foundation, 220 thousand to Akeda Foundation, 80 thousand to Otwarty Dialog Foundation, 70 thousand to Studio Wschód and from PLN 3 to 20 thousand-worth grants to other foundations. The amount of the funds transferred depends on the given organisation's capabilities. We are constantly in touch, responding to current needs, taking care at the same time for expense settlements so that the funds raised by you are spent the best way possible. Here we will publish the transfer confirmations on an ongoing basis.


Tuesday, 1 March 2022 at 01:13 pm

With the help of the Wrocław’s Ukraine Foundation, two collection and segregation points (warehouses) have been arranged in just four days at ulica Rakietowa 37 and Oławska 24, where almost 30 volunteers work. They managed to collect, segregate and send over 56 tonnes of humanitarian aid on 6 trucks that headed for Ukraine!  GPS navigation, body armour, helmets, two-way field radios, pointers, military backpacks and shoes were also bought. We are extremely happy that we have such a great Foundation on board! We have already transferred PLN 200 thousand from #TogetherForUkraine whip-round to the Ukraine Foundation’s account, which have been spent well, as you can see above.


Currently, the Ukraine Foundation focuses on raising charity donations to buy medical supplies and equipment for the Ukrainian army. To this end, the next Friday, 3 March at 7 p.m., a special “In Solidarity with Ukraine” concert will be held in The National Forum of Music [in Polish NFM - Narodowe Forum Muzyki] in Wrocław, where the Foundation will raise funds to its fundraising charity box. You can read more about this event on the NFM website.



Monday, 28 February 2022 at 10:50 am

We present confirmations of the first fundraising transfers. PLN 345 thousand has already been raised on the accounts of 14 organisations and has been spent on real aid. Each organisation that joined our campaign contribute to different ends, therefore they can provide comprehensive support, including legal, supply, food, transport and accommodation assistance. We continue our efforts. We help both those who came to Poland seeking refuge and those who fight bravely for Ukraine. The last transport from Studio Wschód reached Ukraine through the fields in order to get to those in need as soon as possible. And that's all thanks to your funds! Thank you!

Sunday, 27 February 2022 at 10:27 am

Fundacja Prusieckich joined the campaign, offering refugees safe places to stay. At the same time, the Dialog Otwarty Foundation has just donated 210 Kevlar ballistic vests and 70 bullet-proof vests. We continue our efforts - every bit of help counts!





Saturday, 26 February 2022 at 12:26 pm

Thanks to the Studio Wschód, one more bus with the most needed supplies has just headed for Ukraine at night. Since morning, the Otwarty Dialog Foundation has been working to acquire helmets and bullet-proof vests that will be transferred to the Ukrainian Embassy. Yet more organisations join the campaign - Ukraine Foundation and Wolno Nam. We join our forces! Together, we can do better!




Friday, 25 February 2022 at 04:18 pm

Your support makes it possible for us to actively continue our efforts! Only today, we have transferred PLN 50 thousand to Fundacja Weź Pomóż, Homo Faver and Akeda, who financed basic food products, blankets and personal hygiene items with these funds. The supplies are on their way to Ukraine, and they will be also delivered to Cracow and Lublin, where people fleeing from Ukraine stay. Thank you for each donation!





Friday, 25 February 2022 at 02:57 pm

Otwarty Dialog Foundation, Weź Pomóż Foundation, Studio Wschód Foundation, HumanDoc Foundation, Sióstr Św. Dominika Foundation, Otwarty Dialog Foundation and Legal Intervention Association also join us. It is a real privilege for us that thanks to this whip-round we can assist these great organisations and their work for the people affected by the tragedy of war. #TogetherForUkraine Thank you!


Thursday, 24 February 2022 at 04:50 pm

The first five organisations that will be supported with this fundraising include the Polskie Forum Migracyjne, Fundacja Dla Wolności, Stowarzyszenie Homo Faber, Fundacja Uniters, Fundacja Cor Ignis. They already plan, organise and act. There is a great deal of assistance from the entire sector of Polish NGOs taking off, going beyond their standard programs and helping the victims of the war in Ukraine and refugees who fled to our country. Thank you for being with us, thank you for being with Ukraine! We will keep you updated!

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Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

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Pierwsza na świecie Karta Wpłatnicza. Przyjmuj wpłaty gdziekolwiek jesteś.
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