id: rry5k6

🇺🇦 Future of Ukraine / FUTURE OF UKRAINE

🇺🇦 Future of Ukraine / FUTURE OF UKRAINE

Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 159 376 zrzutek i zebrali 1 203 982 156 zł

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  • Your donations to the Stern Foundation’s effort to support Ukrainian refugees living in Poland have already made a big difference.

    Because of your generosity we were able to help twelve families make a transition to living in Poland with free accommodation and support with their daily needs. We are currently helping to support nine families.

    Your generosity has made a new life possible for these families in the most trying of circumstances. We at the Stern Foundation would like to thank you for your vital support.

    Your donations have allowed the Stern Foundation to provide families with apartments, food and household essentials. They are all now integrated into the Polish social system, and the children are pursuing their education in Polish schools and via online classes from Ukraine. 

    Your generosity has made all this possible. Thank you!

    The refugee crisis is about to enter its second year. But you can continue to make a real difference. You can change people’s lives today by helping them rebuild their lives.

    You have the power to make a better life for a family of Ukrainian refugees.

    Please help us make a difference.



    2500 znaków

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Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze aktualności.

Opis zrzutki

Please help the Stern Foundation support Ukrainian refugees in Poland.

More than half a million refugees have already crossed the Ukrainian border into Poland. This number will likely soon reach into the millions. Individuals at the Stern Foundation have been working to send food and medical equipment where it is needed most. We have seen vast numbers of refugees at border crossings, including many children and elderly people. These refugees — most of them children and their mothers or caregivers — have left their whole lives, including loved ones who have taken up arms, behind. We need to make sure that they have a place to call home while they begin to rebuild their lives during this time of crisis for their nation. In this way we can safeguard the future generations that will rebuild their country. Further, we aim to support them with educational projects and scholarships, navigating healthcare, and facilitating their integration with language training.As far as the immediate need for housing in concerned, we have identified appropriate apartments in the nation’s capital Warsaw and in Rzeszów, near the largest border crossings. Every $1000 we receive will allow us to house a family for two to three months, allowing them to start to transition to a new life.

We are grateful for your help.

English below:

Please help the Stern Foundation house Ukrainian refugees in Poland.

More than half a million refugees have already crossed the Ukrainian border into Poland. This number will likely soon reach into the millions. Individuals at the Stern Foundation have been working to send food and medical equipment where it is needed most. We have seen vast numbers of refugees at border crossings, including many children and elderly people. These refugees — engineers, students, plumbers, farmers, artists, retirees, children — have left their whole lives behind. We need to make sure that they have a place to call home while they begin to rebuild their lives during this time of crisis for their nation. We have identified appropriate apartments in the nation’s capital Warsaw and in Rzeszów, near the largest border crossings. Every $1000 we receive will allow us to house a family for two to three months, allowing them to start to transition to a new life.

We are grateful for your help.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Pierwsza na świecie karta do przyjmowania wpłat. Karta Wpłatnicza.
Pierwsza na świecie karta do przyjmowania wpłat. Karta Wpłatnicza.
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Jeszcze nikt nie założył skarbonki na tej zrzutce. Twoja może być pierwsza!

Wpłaty 45

Dane ukryte
500 zł
Dane ukryte
100 zł
Janus K
250 zł
Dane ukryte
Aleksandra Botez
100 zł
Janusz Cieszyński
100 zł
Dane ukryte
390 zł
Dane ukryte
500 zł
Łukasz Cieliczka
500 zł
Dane ukryte
100 zł
Zobacz więcej

Komentarze 7

2500 znaków