On the 13/02/2010 life of my brother changed suddenly and unexprctedlyPrzemek is a young, 25 years old man full of energy and enthiusiasm and always has been keen and willing to help others. I am his older sister and know very well his dreams and aspirations. His major dream was to have his own family and dedicate his love and devotion to them. As a sister I know that his heart was overfilled with love to others.On that unfortunate day Przemek returned home after training of Martial Arts.He told me that during the training he received a blow to the head after which he felt unwell and dizzy. Later in the day he started to feel progressively more unwell, started vomiting andthen suddenly lost consciousnness. Ambulace was called in and Przemek was taken to hospital.In the hospital it turned out that he had large intracerebral bleeding which required urgent neurosurgical procedure. During the procedure Przemek lost lots of blood and and the surgens found that he developed brain swelling which required removal of bones of his skull. Following the procedure he remained in farmacologically induced coma and his condition was critical and the doctors informed us that he may not survive. I never lost the hope however that he will survive because he has always had a nature and soul of the warrier.On the 24/02/2020he was weaned of medication for farmacological coma and of the respirator.Slowly, at first, Przemek started to react to simple stimuli, then started to open the eyes and move his limbs. At present Przemek can turn his head when touched and I believe that he is aware of presence of the members of his family by the bedside.However he is still mostly in coma and seing him in this condition breaks my heart.I feel that there has been some tiny improvement in his condition, at least the situation is medically stable but this is still only a drop in the ocean of his needs. We, as a family are greatfull to the God for this small progess and improvement.We know that Przemek will require loads of rehabilitation and medical facilities that will enable him to return to normal life. I think that there is still a hope for further improvement.I believe that with Gods help he will one day fulfill his dream of becoming a husband and a father. This is so little and yet so much and the road to achieve that is still very long.When I look at him my heart is broken. My little brother, 25 years old man and yet so frail and defensless. I am always by his bedside, I want him to know that, I want him to fight this greatest fight of his life.Hospital facilities that can provide Przemek with further treatment and rehabilitation are hovever very, very expensive. They cost about 15 -20 thousand zloty per month.This is a enormous sum of money for us, far exceeding our financial abilitiesIn the name of przemek and on his behalf I am not ashamed to ask for financial help for my brother. I feel and know that there are good people in the world not immune to suffering of others .I know that there are people willing to help and people who want to help.Any donation however small will help and will motivate my brother and all around him to continue this unequal fight for recovery and independent life.We as a family will be forever gratefull for financial help of people of good will.For us Przemek is a son, brother, nephew, friend.We are all united in his fight. Przemek, we love you very much and believe that you will not surrender .
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