id: s5ycwy

Integration meeting [RP3 / FDM / SP / APPS] / Integration meeting [RP3 / FDM / SP / APPS]

Integration meeting [RP3 / FDM / SP / APPS] / Integration meeting [RP3 / FDM / SP / APPS]

Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 201 435 zrzutek i zebrali 1 274 486 844 zł

A ty na co dziś zbierasz?

Opis zrzutki

We decided to organize our meeting on 12th of April (next Tuesday). We meet at 18:00 in Sky Bowling, where we have 4 bowling lanes reserved (for 2 hours), that should easily accommodate all of participants. After that, we’ll be moving to ATRAKCJA pub (food is also available there – kitchen is usually opened up to 23:00) by 10-15 minutes walk or tram, located nearby at the Bogusławskiego street (also commonly known as “nasyp” – street with many pubs/bars under the rail tracks nearby Arkady Wrocławskie), where we have reservation for 20:30 (until last customer).

Costs per person:

Sky Bowling in Sky Tower – 50 PLN per person (assumed 16 people who confirmed their attendance to me and will participate in bowling),

ATRAKCJA pub – 12.5 PLN per person who is going to the pub (assumed 16 people who confirmed their attendance), which must be paid in advance and can be used at the bar during our reservation there 

If any funds will be left afterwards – it will be returned to you after the meeting.

English below:

We decided to organize our meeting on 12th of April (next Tuesday). We meet at 18:00 in Sky Bowling, where we have 4 bowling lanes reserved (for 2 hours), that should easily accommodate all of participants. After that, we’ll be moving to ATRAKCJA pub (food is also available there – kitchen is usually opened up to 23:00) by 10-15 minutes walk or tram, located nearby at the Bogusławskiego street (also commonly known as “nasyp” – street with many pubs/bars under the rail tracks nearby Arkady Wrocławskie), where we have reservation for 20:30 (until last customer).

Costs per person:

Sky Bowling in Sky Tower – 50 PLN per person (assumed 16 people who confirmed their attendance to me and will participate in bowling),

ATRAKCJA pub – 12.5 PLN per person who is going to the pub (assumed 16 people who confirmed their attendance), which must be paid in advance and can be used at the bar during our reservation there 

If any funds will be left afterwards – it will be returned to you after the meeting.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Pierwsza na świecie karta do przyjmowania wpłat. Karta Wpłatnicza.
Pierwsza na świecie karta do przyjmowania wpłat. Karta Wpłatnicza.
Dowiedz się więcej

Wpłaty 18

Adam Pomykala
62,50 zł
Mateusz Polski
65 zł
Marek Bryłka
12,50 zł
50 zł
Artur Ludwiński
62,50 zł
62,50 zł
62,50 zł
Piotr Grzybowski
12,50 zł
50 zł
David Duziak
62,50 zł
Zobacz więcej


2500 znaków
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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