Raj dla ludzi Piek艂o dla zwierz膮t POM脫呕! Heven for people Hell for Dogs
Raj dla ludzi Piek艂o dla zwierz膮t POM脫呕! Heven for people Hell for Dogs
Nasi u偶ytkownicy za艂o偶yli 1 249 898 zrzutek i zebrali 1 412 661 389 z艂
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Opis zrzutki
Organization dedicated to improving the wellbeing of street dogs with major skin conditions. English bellow 馃憞
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Opowiem Ci kr贸tk膮 histori臋 jak raj dla ludzi mo偶e by膰 piek艂em dla zwierz膮t...馃挀馃惗
Moja przyjaci贸艂ka - Megan dotar艂a na Sri Lank臋 馃尶my艣l膮c 偶e jest to naprawd臋 raj na ziemi, i tak jest mo偶e dla nas dla ludzi z Europy czy z Ameryki, natura jest przepi臋kna ale niestety po艣r贸d pi臋knych krajobraz贸w i Instagramowych widok贸w s膮 one... Ciche, wy艂ysia艂e, g艂odne, sponiewierane tu艂aczk膮 psy Sri Lanki... Ca艂e w ropie, w grzybie, z wieloma urazami, z pogryzionymi cia艂kami od insekt贸w, tysi膮cem pche艂 I kleszczy na sobie. Jest to obraz n臋dzy i rozpaczy, obraz, j臋cz膮cych z b贸lu stworze艅, skowycz膮cych ca艂ych w ranach ps贸w, niekt贸re z nich si臋 ju偶 podda艂y... Sama sk贸ra i ko艣ci na wierzchu... Inne po wypadkach... I te z oderwan膮 艂ap膮 I te bez usz贸w od walk o troch臋 ry偶u..... Sytuacja nie jest tragiczna jest DRAMATYCZNA! Psy z偶erane 偶ywcem przez stada pche艂 ... drapi膮ce si臋 i piszcz膮ce w niebog艂osy.... Wyobra偶asz sobie taki widok?! Ropiej膮cych, gnij膮cych ran i nigdy nieko艅cz膮cego si臋 b贸lu??? To teraz prosz臋 sp贸jrz na zdj臋cia.... I zobacz czy widzia艂e艣 w 偶yciu co艣 bardziej okrutnego od losu tych ps贸w.... Sri Lanka jest miejscem gdzie nie ma schronisk a Pa艅stwo nie pomaga, znalazlysmy聽jedynie dwa punkty, w kt贸rych kilku ludzi stara si臋 pom贸c zwierz臋tom ale jest to bardzo bardzo daleko i ich moce przerobowe s膮 mocno ograniczone, dlatego utworzenie w tej okolicy miejsca pomocy tym biednym psom jest tak wa偶na. Te psy skazane s膮 na 艣mier膰 w m臋czarniach! Ludzie, kt贸rzy tu 偶yj膮 to biedni ludzie... Ale nie biedni jak w krajach wysoko rozwini臋tych.... Tak biedni 偶e le偶膮 na ulicach i b艂agaj膮 o kilka ziarenek ry偶u, 艣pi膮 pod go艂ym niebem i nie maj膮 w co si臋 ubra膰... Nie maj膮 co zje艣膰... Po prostu le偶膮 i czekaj膮 na cud... Megan przyjecha艂a na Sri Lank臋 i wie, 偶e nie zmieni ca艂ego 艣wiata, ca艂ej wyspy i nie zbawi tutaj nikogo ... ALE.... ALE postanowi艂a nie patrze膰 na to wszystko a dzia艂a膰! Aby wyleczy膰 psa i ul偶y膰 mu cho膰 troch臋 w cierpieniu wystarczy 18 z艂 na preparat, kt贸ry pomo偶e zagoi膰 si臋 ropiej膮cym i sw臋dz膮cymi rozdrapanym do 偶ywego ranom... 18z艂 czy to wiele??? Nie to malutko to nawet nie jeden burger w McDonald's... To czasem czekolada czy 2 paczki chips贸w... Ale ten preparat trzeba poda膰 kilka razy przynajmniej... Do tego antybiotyki dla bardzo chorych ps贸w... Sterylizacja suki tutaj kosztuje 40 z艂! Ile to jest dla nas? Jedno wyj艣cie do 呕abki? Mo偶e dla kogo艣 para skarpetek czy zupa w restauracji! Ca艂e nic dla nas a dla nich.... Wygrane 偶ycie! Sytuacja wygl膮da tak, na chwil臋 obecn膮 zbieram 艣rodki finansowe, dzi臋ki kt贸rym uda si臋 pom贸c wielu wielu psom .. zapobiec bezdomno艣ci wielu nast臋pnych niechcianych miot贸w.... Tych kt贸re umar艂yby z g艂odu, pragnienia, zgin臋艂yby potr膮cone, czy zosta艂yby zjedzone przez pch艂y i wszy... Ludzie dobrego serca! Prosz臋 o pomoc! Wesprzyjcie nas w dzia艂aniach! Tutaj naprawd臋 ka偶de 18z艂=leczenie psa! Ka偶de 40 z艂= sterylizacja i zapobieganie m臋czarni kolejnych bezdomnych istnie艅. Prosz臋 Was z ca艂ego serca aby艣cie podarowali im cho膰 troch臋 jedzenia i lek贸w bez kt贸rych nie prze偶yj膮.... Aby艣cie dali im szans臋 na 偶ycie! Megan jest na miejscu na razie na nieca艂y rok i b臋dzie si臋 opiekowa艂a psami postara si臋 wszystko relacjonowa膰 na Instagramie... Mam nadziej臋, 偶e razem ocalimy setki! Gdy wyjedzie my艣limy o tym aby da膰 szans臋 tak偶e na zarobek ludziom, kt贸rzy musz膮 偶ebra膰 o misk臋 ry偶u... Mamy kilka zaprzyja藕nionych os贸b, ch臋tnych do pomocy, jestem pewna 偶e znajdziemy tak偶e nowe osoby, kt贸re opiekowa艂yby si臋 tutaj psami, zakrapla艂y im leki na te ropiej膮ce rany i otrzymywa艂y niewielk膮 zap艂at臋, kt贸ra umo偶liwi im zakup 偶ywno艣ci i wykarmienie rodziny! Chcemy stworzy膰 miejsce gdzie zwierz臋ta mog艂yby by膰 k膮pane, przetrzymywane po zabiegach sterylizacji czy podczas chor贸b. Kochani zr贸bmy co艣 pi臋knego wsp贸lnie!!! Licz臋 偶e ten post i ta zrzutka dotrze do wielu os贸b. Ka偶da z艂ot贸wka zmieni 偶ycie zwierz膮t i ludzi tutaj wok贸艂 niej!!!
A teraz... Kochany Ludziu... Siedz膮cy na wygodnej kanapie i trzymaj膮cy telefon w r臋ku za kilkaset z艂otych ;)...
艢CISKAM I CA艁UJE!馃挀馃珎ONE TE呕....馃惗馃惗馃惗
Please! Read!
Your few minutes can totally change the fate of these dogs! Please don't scroll!
stop and take a moment!
I will tell you a short story about how a paradise for people can be hell for animals...馃挀馃惗
My friend Megan reached Sri Lanka 馃尶 she was thinking that it is truly a paradise on earth, and maybe it is like that for us, for people from Europe or America, the nature is beautiful but unfortunately among the beautiful landscapes and Instagram views they are... Quiet, bald, hungry, wandering dogs of Sri Lanka... Covered in pus, covered in fungus, with many injuries, with bitten bodies from insects, thousands of fleas and ticks on them. It is an image of misery and despair, an image of creatures groaning in pain, dogs yelping with wounds, some of them have already given up... Only skin and bones on top... Others after accidents... And those with a detached paw And those without ears from fighting for some rice... The situation is not tragic, it's DRAMATIC! Dogs being eaten alive by packs of fleas... scratching and squealing loudly... Can you imagine such a sight?! Festering, rotting wounds and never-ending pain??? Now please look at the photos.... And see if you have seen anything more cruel than the fate of these dogs in your life....
Sri Lanka is a place where there are no shelters and the state does not help, we found only two places where a few people who try to help animals but it is very very far and they can help us so much work in their area, so that's why it's really聽important to open places where we can get Animals medications, keep them before surgery, help them. These dogs are condemned to a torturous death! The people who live here are poor people... But not poor like in highly developed countries... So poor that they lie on the streets begging for a few grains of rice, sleep in the open and have nothing to wear... They have nothing to eat... They just lie there and wait for a miracle... Megan came to Sri Lanka and knows that she will not change the whole world, the whole island and will not save anyone here...BUT... BUT she decided not to look at it all and act! To cure your dog and relieve him of his suffering, PLN 18 (4.5$) is enough for a preparation that will help heal festering and itchy wounds that have been scratched to the bone... Is PLN 18 (4.5$) a lot??? No, it's not even a burger at McDonald's... Sometimes it's just one scoop of ice cream in the summer, a bar or a packet of chips... But this preparation has to be administered at least several times... Plus antibiotics for very sick dogs... Spaying a female dog here costs PLN 40! (10$)聽How much is that for us? One visit in grocery shop? Maybe a pair of socks or soup in a restaurant for someone! Nothing for us and nothing for them.... Life won! The situation looks like this, at the moment I am collecting funds that will help many dogs... prevent homelessness of many more unwanted litters.... Those that would die of hunger, thirst, die of being hit, or be eaten by fleas and lice. .. People of good heart! Please help! Support me in my activities! Here, every PLN 18 (4.5$)= dog treatment! Every PLN 40 (10$)= sterilization and preventing the suffering of further homeless lives. I am asking you with all my heart to give them at least some food and medicines without which they cannot survive... To give them a chance to live! Megan has been here for less than a year and will take care of the dogs and will try to report everything on Instagram... I hope that together we will save hundreds! When he leaves, we are thinking about giving a chance to earn money to people who have to beg for a bowl of rice... We have a few friendly people who are willing to help, I am sure that we will also find new people who would take care of the dogs here and give them medicines for these diseases. festering wounds and received a small payment that would enable them to buy food and feed their families! We want to create a place where animals could be bathed and kept after sterilization procedures or during illnesses. Guys, let's do something beautiful together!!! I hope that this post and this collection will reach many people... Every zloty will change the lives of animals and people around it!!!And now... Dear People... Sitting on a comfortable couch and holding a phone worth several hundred zlotys / Dollars in Your hand ;)...

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