helping refugees to start over in Poland / helping refugees to start over in Poland
helping refugees to start over in Poland / helping refugees to start over in Poland
Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 251 908 zrzutek i zebrali 1 420 283 253 zł
A ty na co dziś zbierasz?
Opis zrzutki
There is a humanitarian crisis happening now at the Polish-Belarussian border. People fleeing from war-torn countries try this new route to reach Europe. Falsely promised an easy way into Eropean Union they have been deceived by Aleksandr Lukasjenko's regime. Polish border guards push them back into Belarus, in the middle of a cold and freezing forest, violating international law. If they manage to escape the forest and get into a camp for refugees - they are lucky. From this moment on they are safe but not saved. The system is not working well and they need our support. Support to help them start building a new life.
English below:
There is a humanitarian crisis happening now at the Polish-Belarussian border. People fleeing from war-torn countries try this new route to reach Europe. Falsely promised an easy way into Eropean Union they have been deceived by Aleksandr Lukasjenko's regime. Polish border guards push them back into Belarus, in the middle of a cold and freezing forest, violating international law. If they manage to escape the forest and get into a camp for refugees - they are lucky. From this moment on they are safe but not saved. The system is not working well and they need our support. Support to help them start building a new life.

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