HeartbreakingPerformance donations
HeartbreakingPerformance donations
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Opis zrzutki
Heartbreaking performance is an art group based in Warsaw, which specializes in Slavic, mostly, Belarusian protest art. It consists of directors, musicians, photographers, videographers, actors and performers. It was created to showcase Belarusian art, political and humanitarian problems to Western world. In the last two years we organized a lot of street performances, made an anthology feature film, held many therapeutic film sessions, created podcasts, gave concerts and plays in Warsaw and other Polish cities. Our values are our fuel. No abstract art projects - we do not have that luxury nowadays. Art is our activism and activism is our art. If you are interested in collaborating with us, or you’d like to support us financially, buy our digital art tokens, or show our art/performance/film at your event/exhibition/screening/festival etc., please feel free to contact us.

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Stwórz swój własny link do promocji zrzutki i sprawdzaj ile osób odwiedziło i wsparło tę zrzutkę z twojego polecenia! Dowiedz się więcej.