Let's help Przytul Pyska
Let's help Przytul Pyska
Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 226 604 zrzutki i zebrali 1 349 186 162 zł
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Opis zrzutki
Hi All,
This spring we want to collect money for Przytul Pyska – an animal shelter located in Boguszyce (Oleśnica). For the collected amount we will buy pet food.
Przytul Pyska located in Boguszyce (6 km from Oleśnica) has been created out of love to animals. A group of passionate people decided to help homeless cats and dogs. They take care of animals from the surrounding villages: Dobroszyce, Międzybórz, Bierutów, Twardogóra and the main town Oleśnica.
We know we won't rescue all of those pets however we tend to give them as good conditions as possible. Adoption is their main goal, so as much furry ones as possible trust human again and find new, loving homes.
Let's help to change their lives, together 💖
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