id: x6kuxk

NGO support - IAG GBS staff members / NGO support - IAG GBS staff members

NGO support - IAG GBS staff members / NGO support - IAG GBS staff members

Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 213 548 zrzutek i zebrali 1 310 561 810 zł

A ty na co dziś zbierasz?

Opis zrzutki

As we look forward to the festive season, many of you will be thinking of those less fortunate than yourself, who face a very challenging winter this year.

At IAG GBS, we will once again be supporting charities working with families and children in need around the world and we invite you to support in any way you can. is very similar to any other fundraising platform and employees across the whole of IAG GBS can donate, without paying any additional fees if you don't want to, but of course you can :)

To donate, please follow the instructions:

1.    Click the ‘Donate’ button

2.    Select the amount you wish to donate. If it’s not one of the listed amounts, please click ‘Other’ and choose the amount of your choice. Please note that all amounts will be donated in PLN currency.

3.    Scroll down and select a payment method. People based in the UK, Ireland, and Spain can donate to through Google Pay, Mastercard or Visa.

4.    Once done, scroll down to ‘Summary’ where you’re asked to input your name and email address. You can hide your name or/and amount donated from the organiser. If you wish to do so, make sure to select the applicable box. If you wish to receive updates about this donation, please check the last box.

5.    You can also choose to leave a message to the organiser and make it visible to other contributors.

6.    At the very end of the process, you will see a ‘Total cost’ summary where you can check how much money the organiser will receive from your donation (in PLN and EUR).

7.    Please make sure to accept the Terms and Conditions and finalise your donation by clicking ‘Donate X zł (≈ X €)’. Do not select the last box that says ‘Receive latest news, updates and more directly in your inbox’ to avoid SPAM.

Thank you for your support of this initiative, it is very much appreciated!

This initiative is private and solely coordinated-managed by a single individual in its personal capacity.

IAG GBS Poland Sp.z.o.o bears no responsibility for its operation and has no legal affiliation with this initiative destined for IAG GBS staff members

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Pierwsza na świecie karta do przyjmowania wpłat. Karta Wpłatnicza.
Pierwsza na świecie karta do przyjmowania wpłat. Karta Wpłatnicza.
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Wpłaty 139


Komentarze 1

2500 znaków