id: xpdwnx

Goodbye gift for Pieter

Goodbye gift for Pieter

Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 167 315 zrzutek i zebrali 1 214 692 571 zł

A ty na co dziś zbierasz?

Opis zrzutki

Dears, as you all probably already know, our dear friend and wonderful colleague Pieter Taute is leaving SBD Warsaw at the end of July and transferring to SEF in UK. As a goodbye and thank you gift for the past 3 years with us I would like to invite you to contribute in the farewell gift from Warsaw team. The idea is to give him something SBD branded but also useful for his new nest building in UK. They are now in the process of renovating a house and Pieter’s parter shared that it will be very useful for them to get the Stanley pressure washer as on the picture above. I would like to deliver it directly to their new home in UK since they are now struggling to relocate all the stuff from Poland and don’t guve the extra load here. We can order the gift from Amazon UK and save on cross border delivery too! I think it might be a wonderful surprise for Pieter upon his relocation. Please let me know what do you think and if you like the idea - please be so kind to contribute in collecting the founds!

I will collect money till the end of July and on his last official day within Warsaw org we will send the email from all of us together with the Amazon gift order :)

you can contribute in any amount you want/can by sending it directly to me on my account with comment “For Pieter”:

70 1160 2202 0000 0004 8851 0459

Kateryna Balitska

Warsaw, Naruszewicza 30/55, 02-627

or by using the link on

Please feel free to forward this mail to anyone you think might be interested to join 🥰


English below:

Dears, as you all probably already know, our dear friend and wonderful colleague Pieter Taute is leaving SBD Warsaw at the end of July and transferring to SEF in UK. As a goodbye and thank you gift for the past 3 years with us I would like to invite you to contribute in the farewell gift from Warsaw team. The idea is to give him something SBD branded but also useful for his new nest building in UK. They are now in the process of renovating a house and Pieter’s parter shared that it will be very useful for them to get the Stanley pressure washer as on the picture above. I would like to deliver it directly to their new home in UK since they are now struggling to relocate all the stuff from Poland and don’t guve the extra load here. We can order the gift from Amazon UK and save on cross border delivery too! I think it might be a wonderful surprise for Pieter upon his relocation. Please let me know what do you think and if you like the idea - please be so kind to contribute in collecting the founds!

I will collect money till the end of July and on his last official day within Warsaw org we will send the email from all of us together with the Amazon gift order :)

you can contribute in any amount you want/can by sending it directly to me on my account with comment “For Pieter”:

70 1160 2202 0000 0004 8851 0459

Kateryna Balitska

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Pierwsza na świecie karta do przyjmowania wpłat. Karta Wpłatnicza.
Pierwsza na świecie karta do przyjmowania wpłat. Karta Wpłatnicza.
Dowiedz się więcej

Wpłaty 6

Daniel M
100 zł
50 zł
50 zł
Joanna Krzymowska
30 zł
Użytkownik niezarejestrowany
1 zł
Dane ukryte


2500 znaków
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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