Join TheLis in helping Ukraine, refugees, children, and animal rescuers / 響應勵家人幫助烏克蘭難民、兒童及動物救援
Join TheLis in helping Ukraine, refugees, children, and animal rescuers / 響應勵家人幫助烏克蘭難民、兒童及動物救援
Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 250 816 zrzutek i zebrali 1 415 642 737 zł
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This time we finally managed to buy very important, life saving tactical equipment - CAT. Ukraine's soldiers, hospitals kept asking over and over for these as they prevent people from bleeding out buying them time to seek medical help when they are injured during bombing, shooting or just in the battle field. It's said every soldier should always carry one CAT. And it should be in first aid kit. But the reality for the past weeks was everyone was lacking it. Finally warehouses, shops restocked them, so we immediately made purchases and our driver delivered them to Ukraine. This came with other equipment for the hospital and army - meaning drones. They are very important tool now when searching for and locating survivors who need immediate help in the bombed and dangerous areas. Thanks to you - our whip-round supporters, all funds we gathered made it possible to fulfill the very special orders of expensive medical and tactical utilities that are so necessary, and there's never enough of them.
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Opis zrzutki
Hi! We are TheLis Family
Since you're here, it means you watch our channel, read our blog or follow our social media. So you must know all we focus on now is helping Ukraine, refugees, soldiers and animals. We are gathering the funds which will make it possible to not cease the aid. Please share if your heart is where ours are – with those affected by war in Ukraine.
1 / Kid’s Bundle – the main project which is helping to fulfill needs of the youngest and so help their caregivers at both borders a bit. Kids are kids even during the war, they go easily from tears to laughter while they could be suffering a lot from sudden loss of their safe home, routines, change of environment, unknown circumstances and not understanding what is going on. We want to answer to their need of constant learning, sense of ownership, security, autonomy and independence. To let them know that they are not left alone and they can still be happy. We will try to help those on the way to Poland, kids who are already at the borders, but also those who are brought to shelters and families in our local area. They will need everything at start and so we will try to help in any way possible (supplies (clothing, food, cosmetics, transportation costs, maybe some of their bills etc.)
2 / Transportation and humanitarian aid - support for crews who work to prepare, gather and transport humanitarian aid to Ukrainian’s hospitals and survival equipment into the warzone (in all ways possible; financial aid and supplies: power banks, batteries, lighters, matches, sleeping bags, instant food etc, transportation costs).
3 / Animal rescue - financially (for making transportation possible) and through much needed supplies we support those who undertook the very difficult task of rescuing animals from Ukraine. We also support refugees who brought their pets along (transportation, food, medicines, vaccines, living costs).
We feel heartbroken seeing mothers and kids in such a despair; brave men who stay and fight for their country; families being torn apart. But we're happy that they are not turned away but can find a shelter, even if temporary, here in Poland, "under the quiet and peaceful sky" as they say.
English below:
大家好! 我們是勵家人
1 / 兒童專用包—主要的功能是幫助邊界的兒童照顧者,能利用包包裡的東西滿足兒童的需求。即使在戰爭中,小孩被迫離開了自己的家、作息混亂、環境改變,甚至不知道到底發生了什麼事,但小孩仍舊是小孩,很容易就能讓他們破涕為笑。兒童專用包的內容設計是讓他們有歸屬感、安全感並且能獨立跟持續學習,讓他們不會覺得被拋棄,仍舊能找到值得開心的事物。
2 / 交通及人道主義援助—支援收集物資並直送烏克蘭醫院及戰區的工作人員,其支援方式包括但不限於金融及補給而已。物資有行動電源、電池、打火機、火柴、睡袋、即食包等等。
3 / 動物救援—我們用資金以及物資,支援那些進入烏克蘭拯救動物的團體。我們也希望幫助那些帶寵物一起逃難的人,安排交通、食物、用藥、打預防針等。

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Our hearts are with Ukraine. Thank you so much for helping the people/animals in need!