Let's build BNG house in Gwatemala / Let's build BNG house in Guatemala!
Let's build BNG house in Gwatemala / Let's build BNG house in Guatemala!
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Hello Galaxians!
I’m writing to you because I want to share the story of one of our colleagues. She’s soon leaving our company and moving to Guatemala, where she’ll work for the non-profit organisation All Hands and Hearts. It helps communities recover after disaster events, rebuilding people’s houses, schools, and wells with clean water.
Before she joined our company she worked for the organisation in Puerto Rico, where they tried to reconstruct at least a part of what was taken by a huge hurricane.
I feel very moved by her courage because to be honest I don’t think that I’d have the strength to give up on my super comfortable Warsaw life and move to the side of the world ;-)
I think there would be no better farewell gift for her than to support her organisation, so I’ve decided to write to all of you – because together we can do more . Maybe we won’t be able to build an entire BNG house, but it would be great to even build a BNG roof somewhere in Guatemala for someone who needs it.
All contributions are more than welcome!
When it’s done, I’ll donate all the money to All Hands and Hearts and share confirmation with you.
You can read more about the organisation here – https://www.allhandsandhearts.org/
If you have any questions about this initiative, let me know and huge thanks for any donations.
May the force be with you, fellow Galaxians.
English below:
Hello Galaxians!
I’m writing to you because I want to share the story of one of our colleagues. She’s soon leaving our company and moving to Guatemala, where she’ll work for the non-profit organisation All Hands and Hearts. It helps communities recover after disaster events, rebuilding people’s houses, schools, and wells with clean water.
Before she joined our company she worked for the organisation in Puerto Rico, where they tried to reconstruct at least a part of what was taken by a huge hurricane.
I feel very moved by her courage because to be honest I don’t think that I’d have the strength to give up on my super comfortable Warsaw life and move to the side of the world ;-)
I think there would be no better farewell gift for her than to support her organisation, so I’ve decided to write to all of you – because together we can do more . Maybe we won’t be able to build an entire BNG house, but it would be great to even build a BNG roof somewhere in Guatemala for someone who needs it.
All contributions are more than welcome!
When it’s done, I’ll donate all the money to All Hands and Hearts and share confirmation with you.
You can read more about the organisation here – https://www.allhandsandhearts.org/
If you have any questions about this initiative, let me know and huge thanks for any donations.
May the force be with you, fellow Galaxians.

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