id: zj6g94

GoBasket - smart personal economy. / GoBasket - smart personal economy.

GoBasket - smart personal economy. / GoBasket - smart personal economy.

Wpłaty nieaktywne - wymagane działanie Organizatora zrzutki. Jeśli jesteś Organizatorem - zaloguj się i podejmij wymagane działania.

Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 201 404 zrzutki i zebrali 1 274 457 753 zł

A ty na co dziś zbierasz?

Opis zrzutki

We are team of people who want to make social and economic impact.

Our goal is to fight with effectes and post effects of first wave of corona virus in Poland.

We did MVP, we did websites for shops, where they can register, we made a website with simple form, where people can order their groceries. We prepared tool to help elderly people and young people during the pandemic. 

We would like to show People that united union of small business may be strong enough to cut prices( Create weekly, daily kits of food that would go to waste) for:

- Students

- Elder people

- People with low Finance capacity 

We would like to help people with saving time and lower risk of infection during post first wave of corona effect by increasing remote shoping, combined buying with variety of shops.

We would like to offer low commision which will help with promote local business.

When We run the project We would like to put on blog every step we would take to make:

- low cost,

- consumer and business owner friendly,

- Standart life improving platform.

" When man trash is another man treasure"

English below:

We are team of people who want to make social and economic impact.

Our goal is to fight with effectes and post effects of first wave of corona virus in Poland.

We did MVP, we did websites for shops, where they can register, we made a website with simple form, where people can order their groceries. We prepared tool to help elderly people and young people during the pandemic. 

We would like to show People that united union of small business may be strong enough to cut prices( Create weekly, daily kits of food that would go to waste) for:

- Students

- Elder people

- People with low Finance capacity 

We would like to help people with saving time and lower risk of infection during post first wave of corona effect by increasing remote shoping, combined buying with variety of shops.

We would like to offer low commision which will help with promote local business.

When We run the project We would like to put on blog every step we would take to make:

- low cost,

- consumer and business owner friendly,

- Standart life improving platform.

"One man trash is another man treasure"

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Ta zrzutka nie ma jeszcze opisu.

Pierwsza na świecie Karta Wpłatnicza. Przyjmuj wpłaty gdziekolwiek jesteś.
Pierwsza na świecie Karta Wpłatnicza. Przyjmuj wpłaty gdziekolwiek jesteś.
Dowiedz się więcej


nikt jeszcze nie wpłacił, możesz być pierwszy!

Nikt jeszcze nie wpłacił, możesz być pierwszy!

Wpłaty nieaktywne - wymagane działanie Organizatora zrzutki. Jeśli jesteś Organizatorem - zaloguj się i podejmij wymagane działania.


2500 znaków
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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