Noble Box 2020 - Family 4 / Nobel Box 2020 - Family 4
Noble Box 2020 - Family 4 / Nobel Box 2020 - Family 4
Nasi użytkownicy założyli 1 251 908 zrzutek i zebrali 1 420 286 823 zł
A ty na co dziś zbierasz?
Opis zrzutki
Dear All,
We are pleased to announce that we have selected the family we will be supporting in this Year of Noble Box initiative.
Ms. Dorota and her two sons - Mariusz (16) and Andrzej (15) have been through tough times.
The family is trying to move forward and start a new life while going through a divorce. Ms. Dorota is doing all she can to provide for her sons and improve their situation - she is working and studying to increase her skills and gain a better position and salary. She is raising the boys alone and the father only pays alimony for the younger child.
The boys share hobbies - football and skiing. Andrzej also plays chess and would love to learn skateboarding. Mariusz is currently in technical school to learn programming which is also his passion.
They all wish to move on with their lives, forget the past events and be a happy family without the old fears and uncertainty.
Our family could use a new laptop and a desk for the boys to be able to study comfortably, as right now they have to take turns doing their homework.
Let's make this holiday time joyful for this family in need!
Trzy kluczowe potrzeby Rodziny
1. Laptop
Synowie mają tylko jeden laptop, którym muszą się dzielić podczas odrabiania zadań. Mariusz jest na kierunku projektowanie/informatyka, więc bardzo przydałby mu się komputer z dobrymi parametrami, aby mógł rozwijać swoje zainteresowania.
2. Biurko
Biurko dla Andrzeja, aby miał swoje miejsce do nauki, odrabiania zadań oraz przechowywania książek.
Below You can find the link to "Szlachetna Paczka" official site and family description:

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