id: 285xzz

Our Dad wants to live

Our Dad wants to live

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Our dad suddenly fell ill a few months ago, and very quickly his condition has become so bad , that he can't work and now can't afford the treatment that he desperately needs. (Chemotherapy and additional medication).

We are trying to raise funds for his treatment in the hope that our dad will not leave us far too soon.

Our dad was a very strong and hard working man before this cruel cancer took hold of him.

He has devoted his life to his family , us and our mum.

The disease came on suddenly, without warning, without previous symptoms, painkillers did nothing to ease the pain. It just felt like a very very bad stomach ache. 

On visiting the local G.P. who referred our dad to a specialist, test revealed he had colorectal cancer at a very advanced stage.

Our dad didn't give up, as people can recover if the treatment is successful. But the fight is a long one, made even more difficult because of the care system in his home country of Poland.

It would be at least 3 months before a hospital would even see him. 3 months is sadly 3 months too long for this condition. He has been forced to seek private care, and even that can be very difficult for many reasons.

Payment is expensive, specialists are hundreds of miles apart, and still queues and waiting lists.

Our dad was being taken by car, travelling for hours upon hours in ever increasing pain, to be told " come back next month"  

Another specialist, more tests paid for, more travelling and again the same message . " come back next month" 

Time was, and still is running out.

Another few weeks, another hospital, another CT scan and our dad is told things are worse than they thought. Liver metastases ????

But still our dad doesn't give up, and we won't either

More specialists , wanting to see previous scan results, telling us they are not happy with the results and want to have test done again....more time lost, more travelling, more going down hill and fast. Hitting a brick wall at every turn. 

Finally dad's treatment has begun,  but at a time when there is now no more money to pay for his treatment, his chemotherapy, the medication or the care. Bills at home are not being paid either , adding to dads worries.

This is why we have no choice left but to ask people that we don't even know , to please try and help our dad, in what we know is a very difficult time for everyone at the moment with Coronavirus. 

Thank you all for reading our story, dad's story. Dad's life.

And hopefully you could help by funding any spare change that you have , that could just save our dad's life. 

Thank you all so much.

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